Saturday, July 15, 2023

Search for dark matter is one of the most difficult missions in history.

Researchers try to get information from dark matter by using the 21cm forest telescope. The thing is that the large area of that array is the thing, that researchers hope to make the interaction between the telescope and dark matter. The problem is that dark matter is a mystery. 

Nobody knows why it doesn't interact in other ways than by gravitation. There is the possibility that hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) can interact with things like the Higgs field. But all information that researchers have about dark matter is hypothetical. The SKA (Square Kilometer Array) might give some new information about Dark Matter. And maybe that telescope can assist the SETI program and make large-scale scientific work. 

"Exploring dark matter and the first galaxies simultaneously with the 21-cm forest. This approach can help constrain dark matter properties and provide insights into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU" (ScitechDaily/Revolutionizing Cosmology: The 21-cm Forest Probe’s Role in Deciphering Dark Matter)

Above: Jupiter's auroras. Auroras are one kind of skyrmion. 

Skyrmions can use to detect dark matter. 

Skyrmions are donut-shaped power fields. The aurora ring that is around the magnetic poles of every planet and moon that have water one kind of skyrmion. That donut-shaped structure forms around the magnetic pike in the magnetic pole. All objects that have magnetic fields have this aurora ring around their poles. 

That thing means that skyrmions can also form around electromagnetic pikes and wormholes. The thing is that the skyrmion requires an axle that it can form around the magnetic channel. 

The skyrmion can also use to transfer information between photons and EM fields. A laser ray or some kind of electromagnetic pike that travels through skyrmion affects its brightness. And if the laser ray with the same frequency travels through the skyrmion ring, the brightness change in the skyrmion. The skyrmion acts like a lightning tube around a laser ray. 

And if the frequency of the radiation that Skyrmion sends is the same as the frequency of the laser ray, that thing can turn radio and microwaves to changes of brightness in the laser ray. 

This system is used in tests. That allowed researchers to make the quantum entanglement between photons and microwaves. The power of laser rays can increase by sending them through skyrmion. The thing requires that skyrmion is made in the same frequency with laser ray that travels through it.

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