How ERP learns things? The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the modified or expanded spreadsheet, what mission is to automatize things like storage bookkeeping. The way how ERP is interacting with databases is that when something is sold out from the storage or moved to another room, the system makes the automatic markings in the database, and the system can be acted as fully automatized. If every single particle in a warehouse or building is equipped with an RFID system, the system would locate every single item in the building. That means that the controller would see the position of the video cannons or computers by searching, and if the system would be perfect, it would also see the reservations of that thing. This is one version of the fully automatized ERP-system, and that would be the advanced version of traditional ERP, where computers would make marking to the database whenever some item is sold from storage. But what the learning ERP can make? If we would use a