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Multiverse is one of the most interesting thinking experiments in history.

"The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics holds that there are an infinite number of parallel universes that exist, holding all possible outcomes of a quantum mechanical system, and that making an observation simply chooses one path. This interpretation is philosophically interesting, but has no physical meaning if there isn't enough "universe" out there to physically hold all of these possibilities within it." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse?)

"Within our observable Universe, there’s only one Earth and one “you.” But in a vast multiverse, so much more becomes possible."

(BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse?)

Multiverse is one of the most interesting thinking experiments in history. The idea is that there is another universe outside our universe. That means that the spacetime is full of Big Bangs. And there are lots of universes around the remnants of those still unseen Big Bangs. The idea seems very natural. In that model, the universe is one of many universes. 

At this point, we must say that there are five theories (or models) that there are other universes. In the most fascinating models, there are some kind of copies of us in the metaverse or multiverse. Those five models or theories are involved in the multiverse model. And, the parallel universe or multiverse may or may not exist. The multiverse can explain things like dark energy etc.. 

1) Multiverse. Or, the original Multiverse. In that model, other universes remain in our dimension. That means all material in the many universes in the multiverse is in 3D form. And all other universes are similar to the universe where we live. 

2) Metaverse. In that version, the other universe is in the fourth dimension. That model means that the another universe has so a high energy level that it cannot interact with 3D material. 

Above:) In Higgs field model the gravitational pothole surrounds particles that are like energy hills in the middle of the pothole. The gravitational pothole can impact with a gravitational hill, and that forms a channel where particles and energy travel to each other. That thing explains the Big Bang like this: the Big Bang would be like an electric arc in that channel. And that thing forms the material in wave-particle duality. (Below)

Above: Light cone

3) Parallel universe. Or, Phoenix Universe. The idea is that the universe's shape is like a ball. And that thing means that the universe will expand and then expansion ends. That causes the gravity to win dark energy, and that causes the big crunch. 

In that model, all material falls into the black hole. That black hole will involve entire material and dark matter in the universe. And then that black hole will leave in the great emptiness. That thing is the new Big Bang. 

"When a particle-antiparticle pair meet, they annihilate and produce two photons. If the particle and antiparticle are at rest, the photon energies will each be defined by E = mc², but if the particles are in motion, the photons produced must be more energetic so that the total energy is always conserved. In the rest frame of the annihilating pair of particles, the photons always go off at 180 degrees relative to one another, but their exact orientation is completely random." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse?)

4) The antiverse or antiuniverse. In some models, the antiuniverse is the universe that is formed of antimatter. The antimatter universe is not the same as the anti-universe. 

In the anti-universe plasma or energy fields travel so fast that they cannot release their energy. The fast movement makes it possible that the energy level of the material will not decrease.

If the energy level in the material only rises that thing means that time travels opposite direction in the anti-universe. When time travels backwards the universe travels from its end to the birth. That is one of the most fascinating models in the history of cosmological thinking experiments. 

5) The metaverse. The metaverse is the man-made multiverse. In the metaverse, the supercomputer simulations make the virtual universe into the computer's memories. That thing is one of the most interesting tools in the history. 

It's possible that in the future supercomputers will be the brains in the vat. That means that those cloned brains think and control computers. 

"A brain in a vat that believes it is walking" (Wikipedia, Brain in a vat)

If we think about the brain in the model there is the possibility that maybe in the future the brain in the vat uses the metaverse as a training environment. And there is a model that maybe in the future some people's brains will be copied in laboratories to operate as biocomputers. The metaverse is one part of the simulated universe theory. That is the thinking experiment about the model, where we live in a simulation. 

The light cone is the model of what happens if the particle travels through the event horizon causing interesting thoughts. The idea is that the particle turns into a mirror particle. That thing can mean that if there is a copy of me in the hypothetical metaverse, that thing is a mirror of mine. 

The multiverse is one of the most interesting and radical thinking experiments. If we think about the Big Bang and the light cone, that means that the time cone is the combination of the two gravitational fields or energy fields.  

When we look at the sombrero model where the gravitational pothole surrounds the energy hill, we can use that model as the model of the thinking experiments of the Big Bang. That means that energy pothole that comes from up or higher energy levels impacts the energy hill that rises from below. That causes the channel where rising energy impacts with energy that falls from up. 

And then that thing forms the wave movement and thing that seems like an electric arc. This thing causes the surrounding energy or "8" shaped energy structure there Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality turns wave movement into the particles. The multiverse explains many things. But it's also the thing that might ever be proven. There is the possibility that none of the universe is real, including our universe.


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