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Researchers deflect lightning with a laser rod.

Lasers can use to deflect lightning. There is the possibility that laser rays can use to form ion or eruption channels by ionizing air. And then electrons can travel through that channel. Lasers are electron beams that can be aimed by using electromagnetic fields.  Another way to aim electron beams is to make anion and cation clouds to certain sides of the electron's routes. In that case, negative and positive electromagnetic fields are aiming the lightning in the wanted direction.   Anions, which are negative atoms are pushing the electrons, and cations which are positive atoms are pulling electrons. So cation and anion clouds can use to aim electron beams. Researchers can make artificial lighting simply by pumping electricity or radio waves into clouds. The electric load of the cloud increases, until the electrons can travel to the ground. In some cases, the aircraft that travels above the cloud can be hit by lightning.  In that case, the aircraft's body gets positive polarit