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Was the "WOW! signal" some kind of "stand-by" mark? (WOW!-signal part II)

Was the "WOW! signal" some kind of "stand-by" mark? (WOW!-signal part II) By calculating two points in the sky, the origin of the "WOW!-signal" could find out.  If we would calculate the origin of the "Wow!-signal" (1), we must put the data of the origin point to both antennas of the "Big ear" (2) telescope. And then calculate two points in the sky for eliminating the computer error, which denies the detecting the antenna, where the signal was coming from.  And that means that we must only calculate two opposite points in the sky, and then we could look at what kind of stars is finding in those areas. That means that we could eliminate the computer error, what some person made in the year 1977.  So the question is, was the "Wow!-signal" some kind of "stand-by" mark, what was meant to sending only once. And that mark could turn some radio receiver to a different channel. Then those senders wou