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The new extraordinary material can freeze time.

"Cambridge physicists have developed a two-dimensional Bose glass, a new matter phase with localized particles that could revolutionize quantum computing by enhancing data preservation and reducing system decoherence. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Extraordinary New Phase of Matter Discovered: Freezing Time With Cambridge’s 2D Marvel)

Nanotechnology is the ultimate tool in civil and military technology. 

The new phase of material is the 2D marvel. The Bose glass is the tool that can make quantum computers more powerful and trusted than ever before. In a quantum computer, each pike in the material can act like a quantum antenna. 

In that system, each pike on the material is one state of the qubit. That means those antennas are against each other, and the quantum system can share data between those antennas. And that allows us to make the new qubits. 

The new quantum- or nanomaterial is the ultimate tool for stealth and anti-stealth technologies. Those pikes can rise through the graphene layer, and that thing can make lower reflections than in regular materials.  The plasma layer between those pikes can also pull energy into itself. That makes it possible to use this new Bose glass in the new plasma technology like plasma arrays. 

Those pikes can also act as radar antennas. They can act like quantum radars. Or in one kind of quantum radar. The same structure can make it possible to create systems that are more accurate and more powerful than ever before. 

Left: "Example of a Penrose tiling. Credit: Many-body Quantum Dynamics Lab / Cavendish Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, Extraordinary New Phase of Matter Discovered: Freezing Time With Cambridge’s 2D Marvel)

Right: "Example of a Penrose tiling. Credit: Many-body Quantum Dynamics Lab / Cavendish Laboratory"(ScitechDaily, Extraordinary New Phase of Matter Discovered: Freezing Time With Cambridge’s 2D Marvel)

"The microsphere, levitated by the dual beam optical tweezer (green), is driven by the active optomechanical system (red) to generate nonlinear phonon lasers (colored waves). Meanwhile, the injected electrical signal, represented by the white lightning mark, acts as a simple but powerful way to enhance the quality of the nonlinear phonon laser, shown as the colored spectrum. Credit: Guangzong Xiao, Tengfang Kuang, Yutong He, Xinlin Chen, Wei Xiong, Xiang Han, Zhongqi Tan, Hui Luo, Hui Jing" (, Improved method for phonon lasers 'locks' sound waves into a more stable and powerful state)

Nanotechnology and advanced armor are a good combination. 

The structure makes this material hard. Those pikes make a structure that is hard to push in. When the material gives in pikes touch each other. Which makes it excellent armor for both, civil and military systems. Developers can use nanotechnical lightweight armor in satellites and aircraft. And it can make new improvements to advanced body armor. 

The acoustic waves. Or sound waves along with EM. Systems can destroy incoming ammunition or turn their course away from the target. Sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, SASER ("Sound lasers") is the tool that can freeze acoustic waves and pump energy into them. That thing can create powerful acoustic waves. 

Acoustic lasers can be extremely powerful tools. The system can use a phonon that shoots sound waves through the nanotube. The system can increase the power of that acoustic wave pumping energy into it while that wave travels through the nanotube. 

In some models, this kind of tool as the new nanomaterials, can used as intelligent body armor and high-tech intelligent protective systems. Intelligent nanotechnology makes it possible to use that material as radar, that can detect incoming ammunition. Then those systems can create electromagnetic impulse that breaks the bullet or other ammunition. 

But in the most futuristic models, the system can use things, like phonons to make the blast effect that can destroy the walls or incoming shells. The idea is that the system stops the soundwave and pumps energy into it. When some object threatens the user of the system the phonon releases that soundwave. 

The nanotechnology can make a standing echo or jumping soundwave. Then the system must only input energy to those atoms that are trapped in the chamber. When that chamber opens it releases a soundwave that travels through the air like spring. The soundwave or acoustic wave can destroy incoming ammunition. Or it can turn its course.


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