Strange Connections with MKULTRA and UFO:s
Strange Connections with MKULTRA and UFO:s
We have all heard the tales of the CIA:s top-secret MKULTRA (1) and other types of programs, where a person has been targeted to brainwash and secret interrogations. The idea is that this very secretive and officially disbanded program's purpose was to create methods to interrogate captured KGB agents by using methods, that the cooperatives with that person even don't recognize the interrogations, and the mates of the agent network were not noticed that their comrade has been caught.
The idea of MKULTRA has also created methods of how to motivate people like nuclear physics to operate in the government's secretive military programs like a nuclear weapon and STEALTH plane research. But there is another version of this project, and the thing is that the leader of this project Sydney Gottlieb (1918-1999) (2) died in his home because of heart problems.
Sometimes he was claimed to dropped from the hotel's window, but the real reason for that thing was dead after the heart problems. And the rumors are told that the real reason was the Saxitoxin poisoning, but we must realize that Gottlieb was over 80 years old. The thing that made MKULTRA so different from other similar projects is that there were not use medical. The use of medicals would be uncovered in the drug tests, and that's why MKULTRA used neural stimulation, what happens with blinking lights and virtual reality.
Or the drugs that were used were hallucinogens like psilocybin and LSD. The main idea was to create methods, which are not visible in the customs or psychic tests, and they could be used also inside the borders of the Soviet Union. There is claiming, that MKULTRA has been used to create faked memories for some military personnel, that they would tell fictional stories about heroic actions, what they are not done.
The mission, in this case, is just terminate the political career of some politicians, or simply make the people harder to prove their words, if they are involved in some kind of secretive actions. But the main targets were KGB agents.
Then the brainwashing team's mission was to convert the captured agent to serve in CIA and deliver information about the actions of KGB to the Federal authorities. This program disbanded after the Vietnam war, but there is claiming that this program and its methodologies have been used for stealing business secrets or other people's innovation.
What are hallucinations?
Sometimes flashbacks from the past cause the flashback, a psychological effect, where something that happened in the past and buried deep in the memory is coming back to knowledge. The thing is that when people see a similar situation, landscape or another scene, what is similar, where a person has been during the traumatic experience that thing causes the flashback, what is called PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Sometimes PTSD is connected to the war experience, but the PTSD can be caused by every traumatic stress experience, like car accident, assault, and conflagration.
In the next part of the texts, I will use the UFO as an example of this kind of thing. But we could use ghosts and other kinds of things in this kind of example. And here the UFO means only the unidentified flying object, what origin is unknown.
When we are thinking about the situation, that somebody lies about things like UFO:s we must first ask why somebody tells about this kind of thing? Are those people seeing things, what other people don't see, nor have they experienced the UFO in the past somewhere in childhood, and the question is that is it possible that a person has been abducted in a very young age?
In this case, that kind of experience would cause flashbacks, if the person goes to the area, what is looking like similar to the area, where abduction happened. In this case, I use "abduction" for meaning the kidnapping that is not reported to officials for some reason. But what could be that reason? That is the question in those cases, where nobody sees this case even happened. Were the takers of those persons some kind of officials, who told other people to keep their mouth shut?
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