Sunday, July 2, 2023

Rogue planets and cosmic explosions are a threat to solar systems.

The mysterious planet that should not exist. 

Astronomers found a mysterious planet, that should not exist. That Jupiter-type planet Halla survived its sun, Baekdu’s explosion into a red giant. The star's radiation should destroy that planet immediately. And that thing means that Halla could be the planet that formed destroyed planets' cosmic remnants. There is the possibility that after a star exploded as a supernova. The cosmic remnant forms a new solar system around the zombie star. 

Near zombie stars could find many planets. That orbit white dwarfs, neutron stars, or even black holes. But the reason why some planets can survive even from the supernova explosion is sometimes distance. If the star is very far away from its planet. And the planet's magnetosphere is strong enough. That could make it possible. That the interplanetary shockwave will not reach the planet with so high power that this shockwave could turn it into cosmic dust.  

A supernova explosion can turn even a large planet into a rogue planet that travels in the universe. 

In some models, the planet or moon is just in line with some other, bigger planet. that takes the shockwave's energy into it. The shockwave destroys a bigger planet. And the smaller ones and their moons could survive in one piece. 

Those cases mean that shockwave pushes those planets out from their trajectory and turns them into rogue planets. That is one thing that we must realize when we make models of the planet's survivability in supernova explosions. 

The Halla is evidence that supernovas can push planets out from their trajectories. And then those rogue planets start to travel around space. If that kind of planet will come to another solar system it can destroy the entire system. The gravitation effect of the Jupiter-size planet is so strong, that it pulls all planets out from their trajectory. 

"The Jupiter-like planet Halla survived its sun Baekdu’s expansion into a red giant, a process that should have engulfed it, according to astronomers from the University of Hawaii. The surprising survival prompts theories about planetary evolution, including potential binary star origins or Halla being a newly formed “second generation” planet. Credit: W. M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko" ( After Death: Astronomers Discover a Mysterious Planet That Shouldn’t Exist)

"Artist’s impression of the blast wave from a supernova colliding with the molecular cloud filament where the Sun is forming. Credit: NAOJ" ( Shield: How Our Solar System Survived a Supernova)

Around every solar system is a plasma shield. The solar wind or particle flow away from the sun is protecting us from most of the particles that are coming out from other solar systems. The plasma shield and Kuiper belt. Along with the cosmic dust pulls lots of incoming energy in them. In some models, the red dwarfs are a dangerous place for living creatures, because they have so small plasma and dust fields around them. 

Those small particle-ion balls cannot absorb so much cosmic radiation like particle impulses from supernovas before those impulses impact planets. That is closer to their star. If things like FRBs are hitting to red dwarf that thing raises its energy level, causing a massive eruption. That thing could sterilize those planets in less than a second. 

Supernovas can form solar systems. But they can be fatal for the young solar systems where planets are just forming. The cosmic shockwave can make conditions where planets and stars are forming, but that shockwave. And especially FRBs can destroy protoplanets before they can form stable planetary formation. Or if supernova eruption happens close enough it can push planets out from their tracks.

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