Sunday, October 22, 2023

Researchers linked the FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) with star quakes.

Researchers linked the FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) with star quakes. 

When FRB hits a star it transfers energy to that object. That thing causes the shockwave in plasma, which we see as a star quake. FRBs are mysterious high energy, short-term radio signals with unknown origins. 

Researchers say that the FRB can cause the end of the planets more often than GRBs or XRBs (Gamma- or X-ray bursts). Radio waves interact more powerfully with the metal core of planets. And that thing causes acceleration in natural fission in the planet's nucleus. Same way. FRBs can raise the temperature in the star because it transfers energy into it. And that rise in energy level rises. 

The radiation that affects all planets rises. FRB involves a very high energy level. And theoretically, that energy can captured by using radio antennas. Then that FRB can conducted on capacitors. And they could be used as a power source. In reality, the practical solutions are hard to make because predicting the FRB is very hard. But FRBs can bring information from long-distance high-energy reactions. 

Kilonovas, or colliding neutron stars, create heavier than iron elements.  

"Two neutron stars at the moment of their merger. Recent advancements in 3D computer simulations have provided insights into the light emitted following neutron star mergers. These simulations are pivotal in understanding the origin of elements heavier than iron. Credit: Dana Berry SkyWorks Digital, Inc." ( Alchemy: 3D Models Reveal Kilonova Secrets of Heavy Element Creation)

The molecular cloud around impacting neutron stars turns to an extreme version of the FAE (Fuel Air Explosive). In that version the fusion front creates energy, just like chemical fire creates energy to FAE bombs. 

In this model, the shockwave smashes particles together. Forming fusion around impacting neutron stars forms an effect that is like a vacuum bomb. The energy released from neutron stars pushes particles in the clouds together. And that thing forms the hollow fusion ball, that sends energy in and out. When energy hits in the middle of that ball it reflects from the center of that ball. And that reflection can explain FRBs. The cloud around the neutron stars forms the extreme version of the FAE (Fuel Air Explosives). In that version, the fusion replaces the chemical fire. That creates an extremely powerful energy load. 

Sometimes introduced that kilonovas or colliding neutron stars are behind those effects. Kilonovas are things that cause extremely powerful electromagnetic shockwaves through the universe. That shockwave packs gas and dust around those neutron stars. The neutron star or its magnetic field transfers particles to the neutron star's poles. During that journey on the shell of that 20 km diameter neutron, the ionized particles travel to the opposite pole to those ion's polarity. 

On a neutron star's shell strong magnetic field accelerates those particles. Those particles impact each other. And in that process forms energy. That fusion creates heavy elements. But collision increases energy level to a much higher level. Causing shockwave. That smashes that gas and dust together. That impact wave creates the heaviest elements in the universe like gold and uranium. 

At the neutron star's pole, those particles travel to the pike or electromagnetic tornado that is forming in the neutron stars' poles. That effect from the radio beam is called a pulsar.  When neutron stars are close to each other their north poles turn to other neutron star's south poles. 

The radiation of the pulsar beam, left from the north pole hits the south pole of another neutron star and starts to travel to the opposite pole. That increases its energy level. When neutron stars impact each other the impact energy pushes those particles to the speed and power they never met before. And maybe that thing explains why FRBs are so powerful and hard to predict.

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