Saturday, June 29, 2024

The arrow of time.

The image above introduces the internal structure of a wormhole. The energy channel that travels through the universe. The pockets or bubbles in their shape make it hard to use it. If an object touches the wormhole's shell it loses its energy. So, does the wormhole stop time inside it? 

The answer is that in many models wormholes are spinning energy tornadoes, which means that time moves slower in them than it moves outside it. Do those wormholes exist? Image 2 introduces the BOSS Structure of the universe. Those channels between galaxies give a hint, that maybe those legendary Einstein-Rose bridges are true. 

British astrophysicist Arthur Eddgerton created the idea of the "arrow of time" in 1927. The idea is that particles or radiation (wave movement) travel in time in the same way as they travel in space. What made his idea fundamental? It handles time as space or dimension. The dimensional time means that we are traveling in time forward. The image 3 introduces the key component in that model. The arrow is the object that travels in time. The largest known object is the universe. 

When an object travels in time, it releases its energy to objects near it. That thing causes a situation that when an object travels forward in time it pushes objects around it back in time. 

Image 3) The arrow of time. When an object travels forward in time. It releases energy to objects around it. That pushes those objects back in time. So if we want to put object travel back in time. we must transform the energy flow's direction. Energy must start to flow from particles around it into the arrow. 

If an object travels inside the wormhole, that means time travels backward or slower in those energy channels than it travels outside it. And that means if the energy level in the energy channel is high enough, it can send objects around it back in time. 

In that model time is energy and energy always travels to the lower-energy object. That means the entire universe travels forward in time. But space around the universe travels back in time. 

Entropy is the thing that denies us to see into the future. The entropy also gives limits to ranges that we can see. The oscillating particles are pulling energy from the universe. And when photons or other particles hit their quantum fields, those photons and other particles deliver or receive energy. And energy is information. That information makes objects like neutrinos dirty. 

Image 4. Time is like a swing board. That means information travels from the higher energy side to the lower energy side. So if researchers want to make information travel back in time, they must create a higher energy object in spacetime, and turn the swing board opposite. 

This is the thing that makes sterile neutrinos interesting.  If the neutrino is sterile or "clean" that means it hasn't touched quantum fields yet. And one of the reasons why it doesn't touch quantum fields is that it travels in a channel called a wormhole. 

The reason why entropy increases in the system is same way easy to explain. When the size of the system expands but the number of actors remains the same, that makes space in the system. And that gives things like particles space to oscillate. 

Before the Big Bang energy, time and space were the same. I know, I forgot the material. The reason for that is that material is a form of energy. 

When time separates from energy that makes room in the system. That gave superstrings space to move. And that formed the first entropy. When the Big Bang sent superstrings through space, first those superstrings were straight. But then there formed curves. Those curves deny us to see into the future. If we want to see into the future, we must make there a higher energy object than in the point where we stand. 

So if we want to bring information from the future to the 30.6. 2024 we must make higher energy points in the future than the energy level is in the 30.6.2024. The energy level must be so high that it can force those superstrings into the straight form. If the system can force those superstrings into straight form, that makes it possible to transmit information from the future to the back in time. 

And then we can think of the time arrow in image 3. The time arrow (or arrow particle) must get so high energy level that it can push particles around it back in time so strongly, that they can travel between those superstrings.

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