Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Finally, entropy wins.

"Can quantum systems become more disordered, as thermodynamics would predict? Yes, they can – if a proper definition of “entropy” is used. Credit: TU Wien" (ScitechDaily, Shattering the Quantum Entropy Myth – Why Disorder Always Wins)

The entropy wins. And all systems, including quantum systems are gone. That is the law in the quantum systems. As well as. The law of the universe. That law is called the second law of thermodynamics. That means the second law of thermodynamics effects also quantum systems. And that is valuable also in closed and isolated quantum systems. That thing is quip. 

There are no isolated quantum systems in the universe. The quantum systems are in touch with their environment. And the cosmic voids are also systems or environments. All quantum systems interact with their environment. And because energy always travels to the lower energy system that means the quantum system will be destroyed even if it's outside our universe. The thing that destroys all quantum systems is free energy. 

When the universe expands. Distances between quantum particles grow and that lets free energy travel in the system between those particles. The effect is similar to the case where water makes a hole in the dam. The dam seems stable until the water goes into a small hole. And then it sends energy to the concrete. The energy that comes from the water and water flow through the dam causes the effect that the dam will fall because of the small hole. 

The entropy is the thing that causes the broken dish will not go back into one piece. The fact is that when the dish is broken the system breaks into multiple separate systems. So those fragments are forming their independent systems. When we think about the time in the system energy that travels back to particles means that time goes backward. And when energy travels out from particles that means time travels forward. So when we travel back in time the energy level in systems rises. And that causes two interesting questions. 

1) How far in the past did the hypothetical time traveler have to go that the broken dish will return to its original form? When the dish breaks it forms independent systems. So must that hypothetical time traveler go to the very beginning the point where that dish is formed? The model is that those fragments will not take the original form as a dish because they form separated systems. 

2) If we try to freeze the system and deny the entropy growth we must load energy into it. The idea is that the energy that surrounds the system eliminates the energy level decrease. The problem is that this energy must not go into the system. It's possible to stop time but that requires a bubble that size is stable and that sphere should isolate the quantum system from the outside universe. 

If that thing is possible it makes a static environment that involves two internal spheres and the inside environment's size doesn't grow with the universe. That makes it possible to deny the entropy growth. But if that happens too long and we try to remove the sphere energy travels faster out from the system. And that causes destruction. In real life, we must know things like all energy effects including dark energy. And speed and outside energy that affect the system. 

"The mathematician and physicist John von Neumann showed that according to the laws of quantum physics, the entropy in a quantum system cannot change at all. If you have the full information about a quantum system, the so-called ‘von Neumann entropy’ always stays the same; it is impossible to say whether time is running forward or backward, each point in time is physically as good as any other." (ScitechDaily, Shattering the Quantum Entropy Myth – Why Disorder Always Wins)

"This type of entropy is called ‘Shannon entropy’. It depends on the probabilities with which different possible values are measured. ‘You could say that Shannon entropy is a measure of how much information you gain from the measurement,’ says Florian Meier (TU Wien). “If there is only one possible measurement result that occurs with 100% certainty, then the Shannon entropy is zero. You won’t be surprised by the result, you won’t learn anything from it. If there are many possible values with similarly large probabilities, then the Shannon entropy is large.” (ScitechDaily, Shattering the Quantum Entropy Myth – Why Disorder Always Wins)

The entropy is the thing that dominates all systems. The entropy cannot grow forever in the system. Finally, all systems break into new smaller systems. We cannot know all the things that affect systems. We don't know the dark energy role in the small systems. Heisenberg uncertainty principle means that we cannot measure the procise place and speed of particles in quantum systems. 


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