Friday, July 14, 2023

New research doubles the universe's age. And thoughts about the infinite question: are we alone?

The new age for the universe is 26,7, not 13,7 billion years.

Cosmic inflation means the space expands relative to the material. The distance between particles is growing. And the electromagnetic radiation's relative to gravitation effect particles turn higher. That energy will push particles away from each other. The quantum gravitation between particles is not powerful enough. That it can resist the energy and its pushing force. 

In some models, the wavelength of the gravitation could explain that thing. If the wavelength of repelling energy is longer than the pulling energy that we call gravitation, that could explain why gravitation loses. If the wavelength of some other energy form is longer than gravitational waves that make it possible that the longer wavelength pushes particle,  like string over the shorter wavelength. 

"A new study suggests the universe might be 26.7 billion years old, almost double the widely accepted age of 13.7 billion years. The new model, incorporating Zwicky’s tired light theory and Dirac’s evolving coupling constants, could explain the existence of mature, small galaxies formed just 300 million years post-Big Bang and propose a revised interpretation of the cosmological constant." (ScitechDaily/Cosmic Paradigm Shift: New Research Doubles Universe’s Age to 26.7 Billion Years)

The effect is similar to a bigger man pushing the object with a longer stick than a smaller man pulling with a shorter stick. And that means the shorter man cannot affect to object under the longer stick. 

When the universe expands the particles vaporize or turn to electromagnetic radiation or wave movement. That wave movement makes standing waves between particles. And then when that wave movement that comes from particles impacts with those standing waves that thing forms the effect called scattering. The problem is that the scattering effect cannot explain. Why there is too much energy in the universe?

When there is silent time in science, things like alien civilizations get space in media. The fact is that SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific program. The fact is that. We cannot be sure about the existence of ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) until we get the first confirmed message from another solar system. 

The new tools have doubled the age of the universe. And that thing is one of the most remarkable things in cosmology. The universe's age is a very important thing when researchers want to make models of the time when planet formation begins. So researchers require the universe's age to make the model of possibility to find intelligent lifeforms. Almost all theoretical lifeforms can create machines and cultures connected to their home planet. 

"NASA’s Astrobiology Program is focusing on understanding the origins and requirements of life in the cosmos to answer the age-old question “Are we alone?” Research begins with understanding how life began on Earth, starting from the birth of our Sun". ( We Alone? – Beginnings: Life on Our World and Others)

The existence of the planet is necessary for all known intelligent organisms. Of course, there are theoretical models of the things like AI-based civilization. But that kind of civilization requires the carbon-based lifeforms that put the development of AI ongoing. There is no AI without carbon-based- natural organisms with enough high intelligent levels that they can make that kind of project. 

In many models, there are lots of habitable planets. But the lifeforms on those planets are primitive. So even if we find primitive alien races like some kind of amoebas swimming in the ocean of Jupiter's Europa moon. In the case of that kind of alien organism we can say that even if we could find some kind of bacteria in those planets or moons, we still are alone. 

Those primitive aliens cannot answer our questions. So even if we can find some alien bacteria in those distant oceans, we cannot communicate with them. The model is similar as we will sit in the middle of vegetables or bacteria cultures. 

When we think about things like, really intelligent civilizations we must realize a couple of things. We are also aliens for those civilizations and same we as we are, they must be careful about contacts. If some civilization tries to make too early contacts without investigating carefully the messages, they might fall into the trap. And if some interstellar civilization wants to harm us or some other pre-Kadechev civilization, that thing requires only one about 1000 Kg spacecraft that they drive against the targeted planet. 

The thing is research on alien intelligence has just begun. Things like investigative cosmo-biology, cosmology, and SETI programs are established in the early 21st century. And in 2020's researchers started to make systematic and open investigations into UFOs. Before those programs, people tried to tell us that maybe there is some kind of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy or some other galaxies treated like clowns.

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