Monday, June 3, 2024

Are all bosons boson pairs?

The Higgs Boson gives mass to the W boson. But where does that particle get its mass? 

The weak interaction is the W and Z boson interaction. That boson pair connects protons and neutrons in the atom's core. W and Z bosons are between protons and neutrons. And they keep the atom's core in one piece. Those two bosons are bases for the model, that all other bosons may have pairs.  The idea is that the hypothetical dark photon or the energy pothole at the front of the photon, is the pair for a photon. 

It's possible, that the Higgs boson is the pair for the gluon, and that boson transmits energy or gives W boson its mass. Then, energy travels to the W boson and then into the photon, or electron, that transforms energy into a photon that is the electromagnetism's transmitter particle. The problem is: how the Higgs boson is a short-living particle. The Higgs boson can play a key role in gravity. 

The lifetime of the Higgs boson is very short. When Higgs boson decays it creates the bubble. There is the possibility that those bubbles are the gravitons. In some models, the graviton is the energy pothole or dark photon. That energy pothole is the thing that makes photons move. And maybe there is a similar pothole that is connected with gluons. This energy pothole explains why photons and gluons might not have mass, or their mass is hard to measure. The energy pothole pulls the measure tool that is particle to the hole. 

The short lifetime of the Higgs boson is the thing, that makes this particle so interesting, and hard to position. A Higgs boson is the only confirmed scalar boson. There is no Higgs force that this particle transports. So, the Higgs boson is a particle without force. The Higgs boson might be the key to transforming strong nuclear force into electromagnetism without quark and atom core states. 

The other version of the Higgs boson is the wave. That travels in front of the gluon. That thing requires that the gluon orbits something, that is hard to see. The W and Z bosons give a hint, of how the fundamental force interacts. 

When we think of the particle, what we cannot see. Is some energy pothole, that can be at the front of the particle. Or it can be between the particles. Here I write about boson pairs that should orbit each other. In this model, the gluons are particle pairs that orbit the hole. And that gluon pair travels through the quarks. This thing ties quarks into the protons and neutrons. 

Same way. W and Z bosons travel through the protons and neutrons quantum fields. It's possible. That Higgs boson is some, kind of energy wave between gluons. 

The idea is that the fermions like quarks are like whisk-looking structures. Small power fields called superstrings form those structures. And the gluon-pair or gluon and something, that we cannot detect orbits between those strings. Because those particles orbit between those strings, and they have different masses, that makes energy travel between those particles. And that pulls those quarks together. In the same way, the Z boson can send energy to an electron, which resends it as a photon. 

In some other versions, the boson's pair is the hole. The energy pothole, that travels at the front of the boson. If we think of the gluon again, the hole and particle will travel through the superstrings. The hole is the thing, that pulls particles together. There is also the possibility that this pothole is between two gluons. 

That model is taken from the molecular bonds. When an atom forms a molecule, one electron travels back to the other. That thing makes it possible for the atoms. That can connect into molecules. The same model can used to model subatomic particles 

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