Nanomachines can be used as qubits
This molecule would be a combination of the metal and some other atoms what are not conducting electricity. The mission of the atoms, what is between the metal atoms is to isolate them from each other. In this scenario, the "Y" shaped molecule would create the qubit in a very simple way.
But creating those molecules is quite difficult. One of the most promising version could be combined iron and some big sized atoms, and the magnet field would pull that molecule through the sensor, what detects the voltage or the position of that molecule.
If one side of this molecule would touch the sensor or the gate the value of that molecule would be 0, if two heads of the molecule touch the gate, the value can be 1 and if the all heads of that molecule would touch the gate, the value of that molecule would be 3. This would be the nanotechnical version of qubits, and those molecules can be recycled.
The thing is that the molecule or later hydrogen atom must touch the gate for being registered. And that would make some problems for that kind of things. The value of the qubit would be determined with the level of voltage of those qubits, and if only one head of qubit touches the gate the voltage would be lowest. And the lowest voltage in that gate would be translated as 0.
Use of hydrogen atoms as the qubits
If we think about the short-distance quantum teleportation, we must realize that thing can move very small particles in the extremely high speed, or the speed what would ever reach before. And how this thing is connected with quantum computers. If we think the most complicated part of the quantum computers the forming qubits, the particles what are transporting data inside the computer and processors, we are facing the new opportunity for creating the system, what uses qubits as the information transporter.
The problem with qubits is that it has at least values 0,1 and 2 or even more, and the problem is that this kind of thing needs other ways to send numbers than just cutting the electricity of the wire. In normal bit computer, the system can just cut the electricity in the wire, and that causes the effect, where the break in the electricity, what takes a certain time is translated to 0. And in normal bits, there are two layers 0 and 1. But how we could create the qubit or particle, what has more levels than zero and one?
That thing would happen by using hydrogen atoms. If the atom comes to detector the electron ahead it, the atom would get value 0, if it comes to the sensor or the gate proton ahead, it would get 1 or if it comes that way, that both electron and proton would touch the sensor or gate in the same time, this data transportation particle would get value 2, what makes it operate as the qubit.
But the problem is that we cannot calculate the place of the electron when it orbits the nucleus sharp enough, that the hydrogen atom would reach the gate in a certain position. And that thing would be an extremely difficult and slow method to shoot hydrogen through the gate in the precise right time. But if we could stop the electron, while it orbits the nucleus, that thing would make possible to create the qubit. This thing means that we could simply shoot or transport the atoms through the gate by using extremely high speed, which means that the electron would not have time to move in the orbiter, while it would face the sensor.
So this sensor would be like the gate and the position of the hydrogen atom would determine the level of the qubit. This is one very interesting method to make the quantum computer, and if we could create the singularities across the microprocessor, that thing would make the moving those hydrogen atoms or qubits in the processor easy. But that thing would need little bit advantages, because of the system, where small size black holes are creating the wormholes would be hard to make.
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