Ether and Michelson-Morley experiment
The speed of light is stable, and that means that there is something, that will put the limit to the speed of the photon. That thing could be the combination of the dark matter and dark energy, and because the dark matter and dark energy would be everywhere, that thing would make the speed of light stable.
So in the next writing term ether is also means the combination of the dark energy and dark material, what should handle at the same time. And the thing is that the density of dark material and dark energy would be stable at the universe, which means that those elements also exist in the atmosphere of the planets, and even between atoms.
Ether theory was crushed by Albert Einstein, who confirmed that the speed of light was stable. And the first thing, what gave the idea that ether-theory was wrong, was Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, which proved that nothing could influence the light when it travels in the interferometer. That experiment brought Albert Abraham Michelson the noble prize in 1907. But the experiment was unsuccessful.
But then some physicians realized that gravity can turn the direction of the photons like Einstein predicted. And this thing was proven that Einstein was right. The thing is that gravity can turn the direction of the light, and that thing was proven when gravity lens has been discovered. But when we are thinking about the theory of ether or aether, what this hypothetical thing, what is called a thing, what would transmit the wave moves forward, we must say that the real answer for that thing will ever be confirmed.
And sometimes dark material and dark energy are suggested as ether, but that means that this thing has something, what we have ever thought. This thing is called the error of Michelson, and that is in the accuracy of this theory.
Is "ether the force or material, what would effect only in one direction"? That means that this force, what can also be called as the combination of dark energy and dark material would affect the straight direction of the moving of the particle. This means that this force would not have an effect, which influences the particle to the side of the moving direction. In that case, the mythic ether or dark energy and dark material would affect the particle, when it would move straight against it.
So it cannot change the direction of the particles. And this means that the ether would cause some kind of quantum friction, which will slow or limit the speed of light. If we are thinking about the speed of light as the absolute thing, that means that the ether would limit the speed of the photon in everywhere with the same force. And that force would not be very big.
Or is it some kind of a weird thing, what will resist the movement harder when the speed of it would close the speed of the light. And that means that the resisting force would get stronger when the speed of the particle would close the cosmic speed limit. This thing would explain, why the particle, what has mass cannot ever reach the speed of the photon.
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