Friday, October 11, 2019

If you want to find an alien, you must prepare a long search.

If you want to find an alien, you must prepare a long search.

If we want to find aliens, we must realize that there are many things, what we must consider, before we even can hope to find something, what would seem like even primitive life forms. Finding the habitable planet is a little bit more complicated thing that finding some Jupiter-type worlds, and then calculating the Kepler's radiuses. The thing is that the position to the planet is not everything in the forming of lifeforms. Also, things like molecular nebulas between star and planet affect that thing, and then the thing that might make limits to that phenomenon is that if the solar system is in the straight in the line of the eruption of some magnetar or black hole. 

That kind of thing can cause that the surface of the planet would sterilize immediately. If we are thinking about locked planets the main problem in those words is that the dayside is extremely hot, and then another side is extremely cold. That effect causes horrifying wind, which can melt the entire lithosphere or vaporize the ice.

That effect would cause that the temperature of the planet would be stabilizing, and then the planet forms again and again, when the wind stops to blow when the cloud layer covers the entire planet, and the lithosphere is turning to solid. We must realize that this kind of exoplanets is the most extreme, and this means that they are not common cases in that kind of thing.

So the locked planets might be more kindly than this kind of case, and here we must understand another thing, every exoplanet on the universe is not KELT9b type super hot words. In this kind of case, the extreme words are like bright stars, what are covering more common planets. Human nature is interesting because we want to see extreme, but at the same time, we are forgetting that the habitable planet is like a more common than those extreme words. We can say here that we can compare exoplanets with the sportsmen, and say that every sportsman in the world is not taking part in extreme sports cases. That means that every sportsman in the world is not triathlons. 

But the problem with the habitable planet is that there is not melted iron raining from the skies, and the distance to the central star is bigger than some comet planet, which will shine red and orbits the star in 19 hours. There are not lava lakes and crushing gravity on a habitable planet. And looking at those planets is difficult. When we are looking at the changes in the brightness of the star, we must use a microscope to see those changes. Or otherwise, we must look at the changes of brightness around the star if the planet would not cover the plate of the star. And then we must have time to collect data for seeing those changes. 

If we are thinking about the habitable planet, what orbits the similar star what the Sun is, we must have very much time for collecting that database because the orbiting time would be very long. The things that are disturbing those measurements are interplanetary nebulas, and many other things. The data must analyze very carefully, and probably the finder of that "Earth number" two would be artificial intelligence. 

Anyway those effects to the brightness, what that "New Earth" would cause to the brightness of a sun-type star is small, which means that the data must analyze by using extreme accuracy. And for that operation where the data would be collected would need extremely large telescopes, and reserve them for years for that purpose. Winds are blowing gently, and they don't melt the surface. When we are talking about the Super-Earths, we can ask ourselves one question. Can we say the planet, what has the size of two Earth masses as Super-Earth? 

When we are thinking that kind of cases we must realize, that the planet what has two Earth masses one-kilogram particle would weight two kilograms. And here we are facing one little but also an interesting question. What we can expect, when we are looking for a habitable planet? Can we expect to find the planet, what is exactly like Earth, and should we expect that there is also the United States of America on that particle? 

This means that why we must always think that the aliens would have similar bodies, they would have similar physiology and culture with us. In some cases, we have seen a really interesting thing, and that is maybe aliens would call themselves as aliens, and call their planet by using the name, what we are using in our star catalogs. 

But in fact, those aliens might be far away from us, even if they are looking like humans. When we are thinking about some SciFi movies, we are facing scenes, where aliens are shot by using rifles. The thing is that there is a possibility that the alien, what would live in the rubber suit might be some kind of slime. 

That intelligent slime would stand the normal bullets. Or aliens might have a nervous system and organs, which is different than we have. That means that those aliens would not need to have brains, in the same way, what humans have. Their nervous system would be created by multiple smaller nervous centers, which makes it more permanent against physical strikes than the strikes, than human bodies. 

If we are thinking of the hypothetical slime alien as the body snatcher, we must realize that the alien must not be very big. The thing that it would slip inside the body, and then set in the certain point of human brains between cortex and bottom of the brains, what makes it possible to start to play the brain core. This type of alien would take the body of humans or monkeys and every animal under the control. 

And at the end of this text, I must say that if we would find the alien clone and want to destroy it by using a gun, that thing would not be a very effective method. The thing is that those scientists, who are created that hypothetical thing need only the DNA of that creature and they could create synthetic DNA by using nanotechnology. 

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