Thursday, October 31, 2019

Radial particle accelerator

Radial particle accelerator

Do you know, what is the radial particle accelerator? It is the machine, what is created for material research, and the mission of that system, what looks a little bit like a radial piston engine, what would shoot the ionized material in the central point of that system. So in this multiple accelerator system, the accelerators would be in the form, what is looking like a radial engine. The mission of that system is to use small energy particle accelerators for impacting many ionized atoms together by creating new superheavy elements, what is existed only a couple of nanoseconds.

The idea is that the radial accelerator can shoot more ions at the same point than the normal particle accelerator. This kind of system is sometimes used in fusion experiments. In Sandia laboratories, this kind of system is used for creating so-called impulse fusion. The idea is that the system would shoot those ions together, and at the same time, it would need less energy than Tokamak or torus systems because the ions are pulling each other together.

But the radial accelerators might have history, what people would not usually know. Those systems were planned to use in the hypothetical spacecraft known as "Kosmokrator". The idea of this system is that the normal nuclear reactor would give power to the radial accelerators, which would create superheavy radioactive elements for the motor of that system. This kind of spacecraft would open the road to the entire solar system.

The idea is that by using ionized Uranium, Iron or some other element, the accelerators would shoot those atoms together, and then then the formed element, what would be existed in a couple of nanoseconds would be used as the fuel of the high power reactors. The fusion of iron might seem very impractical because it needs outer energy to sustain, but that would help to create the super heavy and very radioactive elements for high power reactors because the storage of those elements is very difficult, and there is easier to create them by using fusion. But this system is only one theoretical spaceship, which has been created during history.

There is one other remarkable system, where the radial particle accelerator would be useful. During the Cold War, the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) defense program some scientists suggested the system, where magnetized plutonium or uranium powder would shoot in the chamber, where would be created the fission reaction. That system would create the most massive particle flow in the space, what people have ever seen. And the thing is that that kind of system could destroy incoming missiles and cause the very strong EMP-pulses to the atmosphere. That ion layer would deny the communication between satellites and clients and EMP pulse can destroy the electronics all over the Earth.


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