Monday, February 3, 2020

Multi-chamber and magnetic cannons in science and fiction

Image I

Multi-chamber and magnetic cannons in science and fiction

Could this be the alien spacecraft, maybe it is or maybe that is not, but that image has been inspired some other engineers to create new ways to travel to space. When we are thinking the case, that this kind of spacecraft would travel through the magnetic field, the system would load it with electricity. 

And when the nose of the craft would turn against satellite or missile, that thing would send the lightning or electron ray to that target. If the missile or another target would be loaded with electricity, what has opposite polar that target would pull the electrons to it. 

The multi-chamber cannons would be suitable for sending miniaturized satellites to the orbital trajectory. 

The image above text has been given ideas for space travel by using the giant multi-chamber(1) or magnetic cannon. Even if multi-chamber cannons are not suitable for military purposes, they can send the spacecraft to the orbital trajectory. The idea is that the miniaturized satellites, which use the integrated microchip technology can shoot to orbital trajectory also by using cannons, but the length of those systems makes them fixed, and suitable only for scientific purposes. 

If we would want to use the multi-barrel cannon for that purpose, we must create the tube, what is long enough, and then the system must launch the driving explosive when the craft is passing them. At first, the craft itself would push to move by using rocket or small explosives, and every time the system would launch the explosive after the craft when it passes the point, where that cartridge is. 

This would make the punch, what that thing will make more gentle, but the timing of the detonations are problematic because the explosives must detonate separately after the craft is passed the point. This is why the multi-chamber cannons are often failed, but modern computerized systems would make that thing able to work, and Jules Verne has introduced the giant cannon "Columbiad", which sends the cannon-round to the moon in one of his novels. But recoil of that cannon would be too high for humans and cargo, and that's why the regular cannons cannot send the spacecraft to the moon. 

The difference between multi-chamber and normal cannon is that in the multi-chamber cannons can be used smaller cartridges, and that makes possible to push the ammunition for longer trajectory. The problem is that that the explosives must launch separately when the ammunition passes them. There is also tried to create an extremely long version of that kind of cannons, what would be installed at the slopes of mountains, and in that case, the air pressure would push the craft inside those tubes.

Image II

In some cases, the planned tubes were even tens of kilometers long, but the thing is that those systems were not practical for military use. But for scientific use, that kind of system would be suitable. 

There is also introduced ideas to pull the long elastic tube to the high atmosphere from the deep sea, and if the Pegasus-rocket would put in that tube, the pressure would drive it at a very high speed. The idea would be that the high-altitude airship or balloon would raise the tube to high altitude, and the rocket will sink to the deep sea, at the other side of the tube. Then the ventilate would open, and the pressure would push the rocket in the tube. 

But the thing is that those explosives can be replaced by using magnetic tracks. In that case, the magnetic accelerator, what could use the same energy, what is used in the particle accelerators would shoot the spacecraft to orbiting trajectory. And those systems can also accelerate the small probes to the entire solar system. 

The thing is that the giant magnetic cannon can be created to space simply by using the satellites that are connected. And the magnetic acceleration track would travel through that line of the satellites, and the acceleration track can use solar energy for creating the necessary power for the accelerator. 

The length of those systems would be very long, and they can be used in the cases, where the small-size rockets would launch to fixed trajectories. And miniaturization along with the integrated chip technologies makes possible to create new ideas for sending the satellites to the orbital trajectory. 

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