Friday, May 1, 2020

Black holes and multiverse theories

Black holes and multiverse theories

1) Have you ever created any kind of theory?

When we are thinking about theories and theoretical science, we must realize that many theories remain in the level of theories until we can prove them by making observations that are proving theories right or wrong. But the main thing is to introduce theory in the form, that is acceptable in the world of science. 

And when theory is proven as theory, start the search of the evidence, what is proven theory true or false. The thing is that some theories cannot even be proven until we would fly thousands of light-years. So this kind of journey cannot be done during our lifetime, and this means "ever" in our point of view the thing. 

So when we are thinking about the black holes and effects, what have connected that thing, we must remember that we cannot get any observations beyond the point, where the escaping velocity is crossing the speed of light. And that thing means that the things, that happen in the black holes are a mystery. 

2) Is the mass of black hole so big, that we cannot just measure the increase in the size of singularity?

The black hole is one of the most exciting things, that w can find from the universe. We always forget that the black holes are not very big, and this makes making the observations of them quite difficult. If we are thinking that the size of the singularity, what means here the area, where the light cannot escape, is about the size of our solar system(1). This is the size of the largest known black hole, what has ever found. 

And the thing is that this means that there is hard to make observations of those particles. So if we are thinking question about the enlarging black holes, we must realize that if the mass of the black hole is about 1000 to 100000 stars, the increasing of the mass of that kind of object is hard to detect. 

3) Black holes can form galaxies, but can they form universes?

So if we are thinking about the wormhole theory, everything depends that the mass of the black hole is not increasing and that means that the size of the black hole is not increasing. Forming of the supermassive black holes happens when the molecular cloud will collapse to singularity, where even the light cannot escape. 

Galaxies are forming around those supermassive objects and the idea that the black holes are forming another universe is forming from the multiverse theory (2), that the wormholes would transport material to other universes, but we have not any confirmed observations from the other universes. The idea is that the wormhole opens to the cosmic bubble, and starts to transport material to that giant bubble or proto universe. But the thing is that this is a theory. 

The fact is that we know that the supermassive black holes are existing, but the existence of stellar-sized black holes is not so sure. When the star explodes as a supernova that means that the star loses lots of mass, and this can make that forming the stable singularity might be impossible, and there are two new theoretical stars between the neutron star and black hole. 

Those stars are quark stars and "tau star". The last one is if it exists the star, where the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. But there is not any confirmed observation of the existence of those stars. 

4) Is Cygnus X-1 a Black Hole or is it Quark star(3)?

So the thing is that if the mass of the Cygnus is 14,5 suns, and the distance to that target is 6000 light-years (4), we can say that the size of this stellar size black hole is not very big, and the transition disk around that object is too bright that we are hard to detect that thing. Cygnus X-1 is the X-ray object, which makes astronomers think that this object is a so-called black hole. 

But another explanation is that the Cygnus X-1 is the quark star. The hypothetical intermediate between a neutron star and a black hole. The existence of the quark star is not confirmed, but the theory of those stars starts that when the gravity field of the neutron star is too powerful, that neutrons can resist it but too weak that the light would drop to that object would form the thing, where quarks would uncover or simplification from neutrons, and that means that the quark star would be like quark version of neutron stars. 

So sometimes quark stars are called "grey holes". They could be very exotic objects in the universe because of the mass of that kind of object must be precisely right, because if it's too big, the star turns to the black hole, and if its lighter the star remains neutron star. And as I just mentioned, there are no confirmation about the existence of the quark stars, or even more exotic objects. 

The tau-star, what means the star, where the escaping velocity is the same with the speed of the light. In that case, we must say, that there is a possibility that this kind of stars cannot be found in the entire galaxy, and there could be only one in the entire galaxy group. But as I have written confirmation of the quark star and tau-star is difficult. And that means that those stars are theory at this time. 

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