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Showing posts from December, 2021

The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better?

    The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better? The problem with artificial intelligence development is that the intrinsic value. That means that creation of the more and more intelligent machines is the prime objective. In that development process, the developing artificial intelligence is intrinsic value.  The prime objective should be how artificial intelligence can serve humans. How AI might turn life easier and safer? When we are thinking that AI can fully replace humans that thing is pure imagination. There are lots of things that we don't know about brains. We know maybe how neurons are switching connections and how brains are learning new things.  But we don't know what kind of role certain things are in certain actions. The things like imagination are totally out of artificial intelligence. Even if we could model that ability to abstract thinking in theory. That thing is hard to make in real life.  The complicated AI requires p