Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The multiverse and the idea behind that

"There is no empirical, scientific evidence for the multiverse"


Image 1:)"Concept of a twin universe, with the beginning (of time) in the middle". (Wikipedia/Multiverse). If the Schwinger effect forms the universe, it would make two universes. This requires the Big Bang was one great Schwinger effect. If that is true there are two universes. 

The Schwinger-effect forms two particles. Those particles are particles and its antiparticle. On a macro-scale, that means the Big Bang formed the universe where we are living and antiuniverse. That hypothetical antiuniverse formed of antimatter. 

There is no physical proof of a multiverse. Theory and philosophy about that multiverse, are based on logical thinking. When we first saw that the Milky Way is only one galaxy in a large group of galaxies. When researchers are finding larger, and larger cosmic megastructure structures like the cosmic web. 

The next logical step is the existence of another universe. And maybe universes are forming similar giant structures like galaxies and galaxy groups. The idea of a multiverse is that the universe is the result of the Big Bang. And there is a possibility that there are other Big Bangs. 

There is the possibility that even if those other universes exist. We ever can see them. The Big Bang was the case when the elementary particles got their form and wave motion got its wavelength. So the universe got its form. And if things like the size of quarks are different or the margin between the lowest and highest temperatures in that hypothetical universe is different than in our universe, we cannot see that in another universe. 

If the absolute zero temperature in another universe is different than our universe's zero Kelvin, that other universe remains dark. The idea of this is that the material that forms another universe sends radiation with a wavelength that is impossible to see. And the shorter way to say that thing is that another universe forms dark matter. 

There are theories that dark matter can form similar structures with visible material. So, if another universe forms of dark matter that means it's impossible to see. Detection of dark matter structures happens by using gravitational lensing. In that model, researchers are looking for a point that affects the trajectory of photons. 

But that method requires that there is the light that comes behind that object. The fact is that even if the hypothetical universe forms of visible material. The brightness of our universe's stars covers light.  That comes from other universes below their shine. And, that makes it very difficult to detect other universes. 

Image 2:) "The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1.

From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe)

Was the Big Bang some kind of Schwinger effect? 

The Schwinger effect is one of the most interesting things in the universe and cosmology. The term "Schwinger effect" means that the magnetic field is turning into particles. When magnetic fields turn to particles in the Schwinger effect. That effect forms two particles, a particle, and its antiparticle. 

If the Big Bang was some kind of Schwinger effect. That thing could form two universes. The universe where we are living, and another Universe called the antiuniverse. The antiuniverse means a universe that is formed of antimatter. In that universe, time moves in the same direction as it travels in our universe. And the only different thing is that the material forms that hypothetical universe is antimatter. 

When we look at image 2. And the universe's possible geometrical forms. There is one thing that we must realize if the universe is flat, there is the possibility that the Schwinger effect formed it. The ball-shaped or spherical universe doesn't require the Schwinger effect. The thing is that there is a 2/3 possibility that the universe is flat. That thing means that the universe is "open". 

And it expands forever. But if the universe is a ball or spherical it will collapse. The theory of the phoenix universe where the universe forms again require a ball-shaped universe. But if the universe is flat or hyperbolic that means there is the possibility that the Schwinger effect formed that universe. 






Image 1:) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse

Image 2:) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape_of_the_universe


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