Thursday, December 15, 2022

Why do some planets have rings?


We know many planets that have some kind of ring system. And the most well-known of those planets is Saturn. All gas giants in our solar system have a ring system that orbits them. So there are many theories about the origin of those rings. 

There is the possibility that forming of the rings is unique. So that means there are more than one reasons why some planets have rings. But if we are thinking about the gas giants in our solar system we must realize that those planets are more distant than Earth. 

So solar wind in that area is weaker than in the Earth's distance. And that means the particle (or ion) flow from the Sun would not blow those particles away. That explains why Earth has no rings. The reason for that is the solar winds. That are blowing sand or some other particles away from the Earth's orbiter. 

"The backlit (of Saturn's) E ring, with Enceladus, silhouetted against it. The moon's south polar jets erupt brightly below it." (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)

There may be many things that are forming ring systems for planets. There are three of those theories. And maybe there are many other reasons why some planets have rings. And some have not. 

*Plasma- or Van Allen rings of the planets are capturing sand bites that travel at the solar system. 

*In the case of Saturn, the shepherd moons are also playing their role in forming and anchoring the ring system. The shepherd moons are moons. That is orbiting the ring system on both sides of it. And the gravitational fields anchoring the objects in their places. 

*The Van Allen belts could capture small particles. And that explains why Uranus' rings seem to have no shepherd moons. The Van Allen ring or plasma ring can capture very light and slow-speed objects. So that means there could be many reasons why some planets have rings. 

*If the planet's distance is high enough from the Sun solar wind would not blow that dust away. 

*Destruction of the ancient moon can explain ring systems that involve large particles. 

*That moon could be destroyed by cosmic impact. Or tidal forces of the planet and its other moons can destroy that ancient moon. 

The planets with ring systems 

a) Jupiter's rings

a) "A schema of Jupiter's ring system showing the four main components. For simplicity, Metis and Adrastea are depicted as sharing their orbit. (In reality, Metis is very slightly closer to Jupiter.)" (Wikipedia, Rings of Jupiter) 


"Metis orbiting at the edge of Jupiter's main ring, as imaged by the New Horizons spacecraft in 2007" (Wikipedia/Rings of Jupiter)

b) Saturn's rings

"Side view of Saturn system, showing Enceladus in relation to the E Ring" (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)


"The full set of rings, imaged as Saturn eclipsed the Sun from the vantage of the Cassini orbiter, 1.2 million km distant, on 19 July 2013 (brightness is exaggerated). Earth appears as a dot at 4 o'clock, between the G and E rings." (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)

c) Uranus rings

"The scheme of Uranus's ring-moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons". (Wikipedia/Rings of Uranus)

"The scheme of Neptune's ring-moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons".

d) Neptune rings

d2) "Rings of Neptune imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam instrument" (Wikipedia/Rings of Neptune)

*There is the possibility that the planet capture the large dwarf planet and then the tidal forces will rip that dwarf planet in pieces. 

*In that case. The shepherd moons or moons that are orbiting the planet at both sides of the ring system are anchoring those objects in their places with their gravitational effects. 

And that means there is a possibility the plasma rings or Van Allen rings of giant planets capture dust, asteroids, and comets that travel in solar systems. And at least in cases where the ring system is formed of sand or other way saying small-size particles. That is the reason why some gas planets have rings. 

Another reason could be the ancient moon that is broken by cosmic impacts. That thing can be a reason, for planets like Saturn have larger objects in their rings. When that hypothetical moon is destroyed. The particles that are remaining of that ancient moon left to orbit Saturn. 

In some of this theory's other versions, Saturn collided with an asteroid cloud that could be the remnant of some ancient dwarf planet and some of those remnants remained to orbit that planet as the well-known ring system.

By the way...

The idea of the solar ring- or ring-shaped solar panels is taken from the planetary rings and one hoax theory. 

There is one UFO theory that I want to mention here. That theory is that the Uranus ring system is the solar panels that are orbiting the gas planet. Today that theory is crushed, but it gave an idea that maybe in the future Earth and some other planets or space colonies will get their power from solar panels that orbit the planets. 

The energy will transport to those colonies in the form of radio- laser or microwaves. That kind of solar ring or extremely thin silicone panels might solve the energy problems of the future. If those solar rings or ring-shaped solar panels are rotating or orbiting the Earth or some other planet the gravitational and centripetal force would have the same power, and they would anchor that solar panel in place. But that thing requires that the panels will move all the time. 

It's possible that between the center planet and the inner edge of the silicone panels is the frame. The orbiting silicone panel delivers energy to that stable frame. And that frame sends energy to the receiving stations on Earth. 

Image: Pinterest

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The new fundamental material adapts to its history.


"A new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience. This effectively gives it a basic form of adaptive memory". (Artist’s concept of electrically adaptive material.)( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

Material that remembers its form is an amazing thing.  The new material developed at Aalto University, Finland, got inspiration from living organisms. The idea of the new intelligent material is that their electric behavior depends on experience. 

"Inspired by living systems, a new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces" 

( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

"The shape and conductivity of the pillars formed by magnetic beads in a magnetic field depend on the fields’ strength and history. Credit: Olli Ikkala / Aalto University"( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

The ability to remember electric fields and their strength means that the researchers can put material in a certain form in certain physical conditions. That thing can be called a base condition. Then if something affects the material the operators need only make those base conditions. And the material is returning to its original form. That kind of material has limitless usage. 

Researchers can use responsive materials in nano-size switches. Those switches can have different base-energy levels. And that makes it possible to route the electricity into different wires in different physical conditions. That means the small-size robot can activate different pre-programmed microchips in different situations that connect with certain radiation or temperature. 

The response materials have multiple usages from the mass memories, and windows that are turning darker while the sun shines brighter. If that kind of window uses crystals that are turning their certain side to the sun, that thing allows covering that side by using silicone. That makes the window able to collect energy from sunlight. 

That thing could extend the lifetime of electric cars. Or it can be useful to use with intelligent glasses. 

Intelligent glasses might be the systems that can communicate with mobile telephones by using BlueTooth communication. In the most advanced visions, those glasses can record EEG from the Wernicke areas in the brain that are forming speech. Or those glasses can also communicate with microchips that implant in the human brain. 

The mobile telephone can send the data to the HUD screen. And then that system can send information to the mobile telephone. So the operator can use a mobile telephone by using EEG that is taken from the brain area that is producing speech. As I wrote earlier in this chapter, the glasses can also transmit the signal from the brain-implanted microchips that are developed by Neuralink corporation.

Monday, December 5, 2022

The new genetically engineered cells can revolutionize antibiotics. And they can also make people young "forever".

"Illustration of bacteriophage viruses attacking bacterium". ( New Weapon Against Contamination and Infection – Food Spray Deploys “Billions of Tiny Soldiers)

The idea of genetically engineered cells is simple. Researchers made genetic manipulation to those cells that makes them create things like enzymes or viruses. When we are thinking about genetically engineered immune cells that are creating viruses that can infect and destroy harmful bacteria those things are making a revolution in immune-base therapy.

When we think about the possibility create viruses that are destroying things like viruses, zombie cells, or cancer cells that kind of therapy can make a new type of medical treatment possible. The idea of virus-based therapies where genetically engineered viruses are destroying things like leukemia cells is not new. 

The first ideas about therapy where genetically engineered AIDS virus will use against leukemia cells were in the late 20th. century. But at that time nanotechnology. The required for genome manipulation was not advanced enough that researchers can create those viruses. 

The virus or nanomachine that the system uses for genetic transfer requires two stages. 

*At first, the virus injects enzymes into the cell. That destroys the DNA from the nucleus. 

*After that the DNA (or RNA) that should replace the destroyed DNA will follow that enzyme. 

Genetically manipulated cells can create those viruses. And they can transfer any genetic material to any cell in the world. 

That thing can make forever youth possible. The requirement for that thing is that non-damaged DNA will transfer to the cells. 

Genetically engineered immune cells can also be used to remove zombie cells from the human body. And those cells are the thing that is causing aging and cancer. The thing that makes those zombie cells is the error in the genetic code that denies the death of those cells. 

There are two ways to destroy those zombie cells. One is just finding and destroying the cell. But there is another more sophisticated method. In that case, the system will just change the DNA from the nucleus of those zombie cells. 

The last version requires two viruses. Or the virus that makes the genetic transfer needs two stages. The first stage is the virus injects an enzyme into the cell that destroys the DNA from the cell's nucleus. And then the DNA that replaces the destroyed DNA will transfer to the nucleus. Those viruses can be created by using genetically engineered cells.

James Webb and Keck-telescopes cooperation uncovered the clouds in Titan's atmosphere.

"Images of Saturn’s moon Titan, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument November 4, 2022. Left: Image using F212N, a 2.12-micron filter sensitive to Titan’s lower atmosphere. The bright spots are prominent clouds in the northern hemisphere. Right: Color composite image using a combination of NIRCam filters: Blue=F140M (1.40 microns), Green=F150W (1.50 microns), Red=F200W (1.99 microns), Brightness=F210M (2.09 microns). "

( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”)

"Several prominent surface features are labeled: Kraken Mare is thought to be a methane sea; Belet is composed of dark-colored dunes; Adiri is a bright albedo feature. Download the Titan NIRCam image from the Resource Gallery. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, A. Pagan (STScI). Science: JWST Titan GTO Team" ( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”)

Titan-moon is quite similar to Ganymede. The largest moon of Jupiter. The question is why does Ganymede not have a dense atmosphere? 

Titan is the biggest moon of Saturn. It's the only moon in our solar system that has a dense atmosphere. And that thing makes this moon remarkable. There are clouds in the Titan atmosphere. And that thing means there is also some kind of particles. They are forming clouds in the atmosphere of that very cold. The average temperature on Titan is 93,7K  (−179.5 °C). So those clouds can form around the small ice bites. 

There is 2.7±0.1% of methane (CH4) in the Titan atmosphere. And that thing can form methane ice in that atmosphere. 

There is no oxygen on Titan. And that denies the oxygenizing reactions. So that thing can make Titan a very interesting place. In that chemical environment, things like carbon-based molecules can stay almost forever. 

James Webb and other telescopes can uncover new details from that very extraordinary world with hydrocarbon oceans. Titan is a very dry moon, and there is no known water. But the dense atmosphere that is mainly nitrogen makes that moon very interesting. 

Because it should be like a freezer where is lots of material from the young solar system. The atmosphere protects those organic compounds from the UV radiation that comes from the Sun. So maybe the origin of life is stored in that icy moon. The nitrogen atmosphere of Titan is unique. The pressure of the atmosphere is 1,42 atm atmosphere. 

But the mass of that moon is lower than Ganymede, the largest satellite in the solar system. The surface gravity of Titan is 1.352 m/s2 (0.138 g) (0.835 Moon's) and the surface gravity of Ganymede is 1.428 m/s2 (0.146 g). The question is why Ganymede has no dense atmosphere. Maybe the distance from the Sun explains why Titan has its nitrogen atmosphere and Ganymede has not that thing. 

"Evolution of clouds on Titan over 30 hours between November 4 and November 6, 2022, as seen by Webb NIRCam (left) and Keck NIRC-2 (right). Titan’s trailing hemisphere seen here is rotating from left (dawn) to right (evening) as seen from Earth and the Sun. Cloud A appears to be rotating into view while Cloud B appears to be either dissipating or moving behind Titan’s limb (around toward the hemisphere facing away from us)." 

( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”)

"Clouds are not long-lasting on Titan or Earth, so those seen on November 4 may not be the same as those seen on November 6. The NIRCam image used the following filters: Blue=F140M (1.40 microns), Green=F150W (1.50 microns), Red=F200W (1.99 microns), Brightness=F210M (2.09 microns). The Keck NIRC-2 image used: Red=He1b (2.06 microns), Green=Kp (2.12 microns), Blue=H2 1-0 (2.13 microns). Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, W. M. Keck Observatory. A. Pagan (STScI). Science: Webb Titan GTO Team"

( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”)

Friday, December 2, 2022

Free energy model and dark energy

In some models, dark energy is the wave motion that travels between quarks and gluons. When the hill of that wave motion hits quarks and gluons. That wave motion rises their energy level. Then that energy impact pushes those things away from each other.  

In the case where the wave motion's bottom comes to the point of the gluon or quark. That removes energy from that point. And quarks and gluon are sending wave motion that pushes them away from each other. 

One description of dark energy is that is free energy. Free energy means energy that has no connection with material and reactions. 

Dark energy is a strange wave motion that seems to have no origin. So one description for dark energy could be free energy. That free energy seems to have no connection with any known reactions or particles in the universe. But dark energy is the thing that makes researchers believe that there is a final and the same particle or structure that is the origin of all known particles and wave motion. Wave motion is the synonym for energy in this text. 

The Schwinger effect proves that wave motion can turn to particle, and particle can turn to wave motion. So the material is one form of energy. That thing means that energy is wave motion. And the material can form straight from crossing wave motion. That thing forms only elementary particles. 

The elementary particles' main groups are. 

* Fermions that are forming material. 

* Bosons that are transporting nuclear interactions. 

Four fundamental interactions are from the smallest to the largest. 

*Strong nuclear force

*Weak nuclear force 



When some researchers are talking about the fermion stars they forget one thing. Fermions like quarks and leptons form material. Hadrons like protons and neutrons are a combination of quarks. There are also many other subatomic structures, like gluons. Those things transport a strong nuclear force. 

There is a theory that dark energy forms when the energy makes the small strings between quarks oscillate. Or shaper saying those small channels or strings. That forming when gluons are jumping between quarks are acting like antennas and send wave motion to those quarks that are starting to oscillate and send that wave motion out from the atom. 

What makes dark energy so hard to detect? And what that thing tells about the dark energy and material?

Dark energy is the wave motion that is not possible to detect straight. The reason for that is there is a possibility that other wave motions are covering that wave motion below them. 

We can think of energy as a river. There are waves in the main flow. But if we are looking at those waves we can see that there are more details. On those waves is sub-waves. So maybe dark energy is wave motion that is riding with some other wave motion. Or maybe its source is in the oscillation of the particles. 

Superstring theory introduces particles as the yarn balls that form by the strings or quantum lightning that are orbiting the center. There could be some kind of wavy motion that is very hard to detect. 

In that model, the wavy motion of those superstrings is not synchronous. So those superstrings can wave separately, and that thing makes it possible that there is wave motion that we cannot see because its effect is so weak. And why it's so weak? The reason for that is that the area where those waves affect is so small. 

In some models, dark energy is some kind of medium between gravitational waves and some other energy forms. In that model, the effective area of the wave motion is called dark energy. Is so small that we simply cannot measure that interaction. 

We know that dark energy has no connection with any reaction or material. So it's the form of free energy. And all energy must have some kind of source. That means that the source of the dark energy could be so small a particle that it causes so small-area interaction that cannot measure.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...