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Showing posts from December, 2022

Why do some planets have rings?

Saturn We know many planets that have some kind of ring system. And the most well-known of those planets is Saturn. All gas giants in our solar system have a ring system that orbits them. So there are many theories about the origin of those rings.  There is the possibility that forming of the rings is unique. So that means there are more than one reasons why some planets have rings. But if we are thinking about the gas giants in our solar system we must realize that those planets are more distant than Earth.  So solar wind in that area is weaker than in the Earth's distance. And that means the particle (or ion) flow from the Sun would not blow those particles away. That explains why Earth has no rings. The reason for that is the solar winds. That are blowing sand or some other particles away from the Earth's orbiter.  "The backlit (of Saturn's) E ring, with Enceladus, silhouetted against it. The moon's south polar jets erupt brightly below it." (Wikipedia/Ring

The new fundamental material adapts to its history.

  "A new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience. This effectively gives it a basic form of adaptive memory". (Artist’s concept of electrically adaptive material.)( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History) Material that remembers its form is an amazing thing.  The new material developed at Aalto University, Finland, got inspiration from living organisms. The idea of the new intelligent material is that their electric behavior depends on experience.  "Inspired by living systems, a new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces"  ( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts

The new genetically engineered cells can revolutionize antibiotics. And they can also make people young "forever".

"Illustration of bacteriophage viruses attacking bacterium". ( New Weapon Against Contamination and Infection – Food Spray Deploys “Billions of Tiny Soldiers) The idea of genetically engineered cells is simple. Researchers made genetic manipulation to those cells that makes them create things like enzymes or viruses. When we are thinking about genetically engineered immune cells that are creating viruses that can infect and destroy harmful bacteria those things are making a revolution in immune-base therapy. When we think about the possibility create viruses that are destroying things like viruses, zombie cells, or cancer cells that kind of therapy can make a new type of medical treatment possible. The idea of virus-based therapies where genetically engineered viruses are destroying things like leukemia cells is not new.  The first ideas about therapy where genetically engineered AIDS virus will use against leukemia cells were in the late 20th. centur

James Webb and Keck-telescopes cooperation uncovered the clouds in Titan's atmosphere.

"Images of Saturn’s moon Titan, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument November 4, 2022. Left: Image using F212N, a 2.12-micron filter sensitive to Titan’s lower atmosphere. The bright spots are prominent clouds in the northern hemisphere. Right: Color composite image using a combination of NIRCam filters: Blue=F140M (1.40 microns), Green=F150W (1.50 microns), Red=F200W (1.99 microns), Brightness=F210M (2.09 microns). " ( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraordinary!”) "Several prominent surface features are labeled: Kraken Mare is thought to be a methane sea; Belet is composed of dark-colored dunes; Adiri is a bright albedo feature. Download the Titan NIRCam image from the Resource Gallery. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, A. Pagan (STScI). Science: JWST Titan GTO Team" ( and Keck Telescopes Team for Unprecedented Look at Saturn’s Moon Titan – “Simply Extraord

Free energy model and dark energy

In some models, dark energy is the wave motion that travels between quarks and gluons. When the hill of that wave motion hits quarks and gluons. That wave motion rises their energy level. Then that energy impact pushes those things away from each other.   In the case where the wave motion's bottom comes to the point of the gluon or quark. That removes energy from that point. And quarks and gluon are sending wave motion that pushes them away from each other.  One description of dark energy is that is free energy. Free energy means energy that has no connection with material and reactions.  Dark energy is a strange wave motion that seems to have no origin. So one description for dark energy could be free energy. That free energy seems to have no connection with any known reactions or particles in the universe. But dark energy is the thing that makes researchers believe that there is a final and the same particle or structure that is the origin of all known particles and wave motion.