Friday, September 1, 2023

Black holes, the speed of light, and gravitational background are things that are connecting the universe.

 Black holes, the speed of light, and gravitational background are things that are connecting the universe. 

Black holes and gravitational waves: is black hole's singularity at so high energy level that energy travels in one direction in the form of a gravitational wave. 

We normally say that black holes do not send radiation. And we are wrong. Black holes send gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are wave movement or radiation. And that means the black holes are bright gravitational objects. 

If we can use water to illustrate the gravitational interaction we can say that gravitational waves push the surface tension out from the gravitational center. Then the other quantum fields push particles or objects into a black hole. The gravitational waves push energy out from the objects. And then the energy or quantum fields behind that object push them into the gravitational center. 

The elementary particles are quantum fields or whisk-looking structures. If the gravitational wave is an extremely thin string that travels through the particle it forms the electromagnetic shadow behind particles or those strings. Then the field that comes from backward will fill that electromagnetic low pressure or vacuum. And that thing pushes particles to the gravitational center. 

The reason, why high-energy particles are heavier is that gravitational interaction with those particles is stronger than low energy particles. Maybe, we can find the answer from the spin. High-energy particles have stronger spin than low-energy particles. And that means the fast-spinning particle has (virtually) a larger surface area where gravitational radiation affects than low energy particles. 

So the shadow behind the fast-spinning particle is stronger than slow slow-spinning particle. The idea is similar like we would spin whisk with different speeds. When the spin is slow, more light goes through the whisk. And if the spin is fast we see that thing as one entirety. Gravitation interacts straight with material or it interacts through the dark matter. But that thing has no meaning. 

When gravitation forms the shadow behind the particle it interacts like all other forces. The shadow or quantum low-pressure will turn deeper and deeper until the quantum field collapses it. And then, it pushes the particle forward to the gravitational center. 

So the gravitational radiation pushes the "bottom of the space" off. Then another wave movement with different wavelengths will try to replace gravitational radiation. The reason why black holes are vaporizing is that the singularity is so small that the outcoming radiation cannot touch it. 

Or otherways, singularity is so high-energy object that the gravitational waves, that it sends deny other radiation from touching it. And that means near singularity the black hole's heart's strong gravitational waves just push other wavelengths away. That means energy travels only one direction from the singularity causing vaporization of the black hole. 

When black holes are born in giant supernova explosions that event has so a high energy level that it sends extremely dense radiation waves around the universe. That radiation wave acts like a droplet that drops on water. It pushes all quantum fields away from the supernova and forms a quantum vacuum. 

Then those quantum fields fall into that vacuum. They form the "statue" the structure whose energy level is extremely high. And then that structure starts to fall. That statue is the thing that sends gravitational radiation. And that radiation is the thing that causes the vaporization of the black hole. So the thing that makes the black hole so powerful is the collapse of the statue, called singularity where wave movement and material is one entirety. 

That thing is one of the sources of the gravitational waves in the universe. When quantum fields are dropping in the quantum vacuum after the supernova explosion they form extremely dense objects called singularity. 

So gravitational waves are traveling out from the singularity and other radiation travels in opposite directions. And that thing means the gravitational radiation or gravitational wave movement has an extremely short wavelength. But also the "height" of the gravitational waves is low. That means the sender of that wave movement is small. 

The gravitational background in the universe can be one reason, why the speed of light is what it is. 

There are all kinds of radiation backgrounds in the universe. And one of them is the gravitational background. The gravitational background can be one of the reasons, why crossing the speed of light is so difficult. The idea is that the gravitational background makes denser and thinner areas in the universe. The changes in the density of the universe's material and radiation cause the situation. 

Where energy starts to travel out of particles at the critical moment just before it should travel through the "light wall". The gravitational background causes an effect where the radiation's density or strength is not constant. When an object crosses denser or more powerful points in the cosmic radiation background it harvests energy. And after that when a particle goes into an area where energy level is lower, that causes a situation where energy travels out from the object. 

Cosmic Web

In that model, the cosmic web is the thing that denies crossing the speed of light. The cosmic web is the largest known structure in the universe. It is the entirety where there are multiple substructures. So telescopes see only the cosmic web's largest parts. There are billions of substructures on the web. And the smallest of them are smaller than atoms. There is the suggestion that the cosmic web is forming around wormholes. 

That structure causes friction in the object. And the reason why friction limits speed is that energy starts to travel out from the particle. When we say that the event horizon allows us to cross the speed of light we oversimplify things. Beyond the event horizon, all objects travel with the same speed and the other thing is the massive gravity that stretches all objects. That means electrons and all other elementary particles turn into a thing that looks like tape. 

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