Monday, November 27, 2023

Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.

  Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology. 

Fingertip-size femtosecond lasers can make many things. Those lasers can act as information transporters in quantum and photonic computers. In quantum computers, each of those small lasers forms one qubit line in that system. Then binary system shares information with those qubit lines. And that thing makes it possible to create a lightweight quantum computer that can operate at room temperature. That thing makes it possible that maybe we see quantum laptops quite soon. 

The femtosecond laser can control light and photons with a very high accuracy. So that kind of system can used to send counter waves or counter photons that can deny radiation reach the surface of the protected object. It's possible that in the case of this kind of quantum stealth, the system just drives incoming light over the aircraft's body. This system simply drives incoming photons past the aircraft or ship. And then that system denies radar or visible light reflection from the object. 

"A breakthrough in laser technology has been achieved by miniaturizing ultrafast mode-lock lasers onto nanophotonic chips, using thin-film lithium niobate. This advancement paves the way for compact, efficient lasers with wide applications in imaging, sensing, and portable technology." ( Nature’s Fastest Timescales: Ultrafast Lasers Shrunk to Fingertip Size)

"Chip scale, ultrafast mode-locked laser based on nanophotonic lithium niobate. Credit: Alireza Marandi" ( Nature’s Fastest Timescales: Ultrafast Lasers Shrunk to Fingertip Size)

B-2 Stealth bomber

Artist's impression of nanomachine. 

The idea is that the counter waves turn those incoming photons to travel over the craft. And that means they act like radar impulses, that slide over the stealth aircraft's body. Because there are no radar echoes that make aircraft invisible to radars. And femtosecond lasers can make it possible to make the same thing with visible light. 

Femtosecond lidars can also act as anti-steath systems. The short-term energy burst can detect the stealth structures. And that short energy beam doesn't alarm the sensors that should recognize that kind of active lidar or radar scanning. 

The femtosecond lasers have a great ability to observe things like what happens in living cells. Those femtosecond lasers can adjust the energy impulses that they make. With a very high accuracy. That allows to use of femtosecond-class lidar systems in nanomachines. Those nanomachines can see things that happen in living cells. The nanomachines or nano-size submarines can observe things like neurons acting when they are part of neural structures.

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