Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death?

 How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death?

When we are looking at risk persons who have bad risk management and who take non-necessary risks too often, we need some kind of indicators that we can use to select those risk persons. The people who take unnecessary risks like driving too fast also have an attitude, that they can avoid everything boring. 

And financial planning is a boring thing. So lack of financial planning may raise the risk of death. And if that is true, that thing is connected with a bad lifestyle, too much sugar, and other things, like drinking too much alcohol. 

"A new study shows that older individuals who engage in long-term financial planning have a lower risk of death, suggesting a link between proactive financial habits and improved health outcomes, particularly for those with lower socioeconomic status." ( Study: Lack of Financial Planning Linked to Higher Risk of Death)

Also, bad company can raise the possibility of dying prematurely. If authorities want to track risk persons, they need some indicators. And could lack of financial planning be one of those wanted indicators? 

Lack of financial planning is an interesting thing. Financial planning is one of the most boring things in the world. And if a person cannot concentrate on boring things that can tell that the person has some problems with concentration. The concentration problems can connected with ADHD and sometimes to alcohol and narcotics problems. Also, lack of concentration means lower education, which sometimes brings non-wanted actors into the person's life. 

The thing is that the lack of planning skills means that a person's lifestyle lacks a long-term approach. If a person lives "here and now" or the person's motto is "Carpe Diem" or living in the moment without worrying about tomorrow, that thing can cause very bad health problems. That lifestyle where a person lives like the last days, that thing can cause liver problems. Those people can also involve things like drugs and other kinds of non-wanted things.

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