The new fusion systems can bring fusion power closer than ever before.
It's possible to produce deuterium and tritium from water. But the laser systems can also smash hydrogen atoms into the oxygen atom. The question is: could this thing create more energy than it uses? Same way ion-anion fusion is an interesting possibility for green energy.
Particle accelerators can drive hydrogen and oxygen ions and anions together. And if that system can create more energy than it uses, it can be a breakthrough. But also it's possible to smash hydrogen in oxygen atoms in water molecules by using laser impulses.
In that system called ion-anion fusion, particle accelerators drive ions and anions together. And then the laser can ignite that fuel. The problem is always the same. The system should produce more energy than it uses. t in fusion research.
Photon-accelerated neutrons can used to make the deuterium and tritium.
The main problem with regular fusion that is made by using homogenous fusion material like two lithium atoms is that their polarity is the same. That makes it hard to keep the fusion fuel stable. In a hydrogen bomb, neutron impacts produce deuterium and tritium in reaction to lithium 6. 6LiD + n → 4He + T + D. It's possible to produce deuterium and tritium from 6Li by using high-power laser rays that kick neutrons forward. The problem is that neutrons are quite hard to produce. So this is the reason why ion-anion fusion is one of the most promising fusion routes.
"The iron fusion".
There is also the possibility to make fusion in materials by using extremely high-power light or electromagnetic radiation. In those systems, all atoms in the object will turn in the same direction, and then laser- or some other EM. radiation impulse tunnels those magnetic dipoles together. In this system magnets positing iron atoms in the right direction, and then EM impulses tunnel those magnets together.
In some visions, lasers and electromagnetic radiation can form the power field that pushes particles in things like uranium atoms together. That kind of "sub-atomic" fusion can create more energy than fission. The laser system can push electrons to the atom's nucleus.
The ion-anion fusion
Anion-ion fusion is quite easy to make because the system doesn't require so high temperature. The reason why only light elements like deuterium and tritium are researched as a fusion fuel is that those atoms are small. There are thicker forms of subatomic particles than in large atoms.
There is not so much space between particles in those atoms as in large and heavy atoms. And the fusion in heavy elements requires more energy. In fusion, the efficiency should be positive so that it can turn useful. In heavy elements fusion, there is needed so much energy to maintain fusion that they are not effective.
There is a possibility that particle accelerators can drive heavy ions like sodium and chlorine with a speed that is so high that those atoms connect. The problem with this process is how to make it form more energy than it uses.
The fusion system requires two ion cannons or particle accelerators to drive anions and ions together. The ignition lasers can aimed at the impact point to give more ignition power. Fusion reactors can use any anion-ion pairs for fusion. In some visions, things like chlorine and sodium that the system drives through the particle accelerators can be used to make fusion reactions.
The opposite polarity of oxygen and hydrogen ions keeps water molecules in their entirety. And because water molecules are themselves polar that ability can used in ion cannons that shoot the water molecules together. Or fusion system can pump hydrogen and oxygen ions and anions together.
British fusion energy startup claims that they created energy from water. In their system, the startup used water as a fusion material or fusion fuel. And if that is true, it brings fusion energy closer to reality. It's possible. High-power fusion systems can use water as fuel. In those systems fusion reactors aim magnets and lasers to water molecules.
And then those energy impulses smash the hydrogen atoms together into oxygen atoms. And that can form the fusion energy. The system can also use magnetic tracks that can drive water molecules together at the point of the lasers. In some visions, the fusion chamber is like a ball or tube where there are two layers, and inside it is a vacuum.
Then water will be injected between those layers, and magnets along with electromagnetic devices will press fusion material together. Then that system ignites the main fusion in the fusion fuel that travels through that ignition chamber. In some other visions, the system uses carbon or carbon fullerene balls as the fuel. The laser will press those carbon atoms together. But the benefit of using water is cheaper.
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