Friday, November 24, 2023

Why the photon has no mass?

 Why the photon has no mass? 

If the photon doesn't send gravitational waves.  That means it doesn't have mass. In that model, gravitational waves give mass to the material. 

The quantum fields are all around the universe. In this text, that term means all electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the universe. Those quantum fields are one of the reasons why the particle cannot reach the speed of light in a straight universe. 

Quantum fields are things that transfer energy to particles. They are like air or gas, but they interact with smaller particles than air. The light wall means the speed of light. Or we should call that point the photon's speed. A photon is a particle without mass. That thing causes an idea that mass is the thing that denies crossing the speed of light or the speed of photons. There is something in the photon's structure that makes it possible to reach the top speed in nature. 

Because a photon doesn't send gravitational waves it has no mass. 

It's possible. That the photon is not hollow. And that denies the gravitational waves that come out from photons. The solid structure causes an effect where there is no internal reflection from the particle. And that means the photon itself does not send gravitational waves. 

Because the photon doesn't send gravitational waves it cannot have mass. Gravitational waves make particles colder lower energy. And that thing causes a situation in energy, or quantum fields around particles are traveling back and forth in and out from it. And because photon doesn't send gravitational waves it has no mass. 

When the speed or energy in a particle rises, the particle turns smaller. Then the particle turns so small that quantum fields jump out from the particle. That thing causes a situation in which energy travels out from it. That thing makes it impossible to transfer energy into particles. 

The particle is hollow and it looks like a whisk. When wave movement hits it it causes reflection from the inside particle. And that reflection is seen as gravitational waves. When a particle's speed or energy level rises that thing causes this reflection inside the particle to turn stronger. And that thing increases the power of those energy waves around the particle. 

Also, the particle whose energy level rises will send that wave movement more often. That thing forms a standing wave around a particle. When outcoming energy transfers in that wave, it causes a situation in quantum fields from outside the standing wave that cannot break it. In that moment energy travels out from particles. 

So in photons, there might not be that hollow structure. If there is no hollow structure there is not that internal reflection that we see as gravitational waves. The thing that causes gravitational interaction with photons might be asymmetry in the photon's quantum field. When a photon travels near the gravitational center that gravitational interaction pulls the quantum field around the photon into it. And that asymmetry changes its course. 

The speed of light is relative. 

Why particles can cross the speed of light near black holes? The reason for that is that the particle travels in an environment that travels faster than other universes. That means the speed of light in a particle is relative to the speed of its environment. 

Also, things like the scattering effect and medium affect the speed of light. The sky is blue because the speed of light is lower in the atmosphere than outside it. When a particle hits to atmosphere with the maximum speed that it can reach in a vacuum, it must slow its speed in the atmosphere. That thing causes a blue light shockwave called Cherenkov's radiation. 

Things like gas pressure or how dense gas is determines the speed of light in that environment. That's why there is green twilight on Mars. Also when a photon travels out from the gravitational center its speed is lower than the photon's speed that travels into the gravitational center. 

And then finally, we must realize one thing. The speed of light is relative. That means near gravitational center quantum fields are traveling to that center. That thing causes a similar effect that the particle's relative speed with its environment is lower than outside the gravitational field. The situation is similar to we would sit in a train or spacecraft that travels at the speed of light. 

When we sit in a cabin, the relative speed between us and the environment is zero. But our environment travels at the speed of light. So if there is a wheel in that structure. That wheel can affect the speed of light it crosses. The problem is that the wheel must interact outside that craft. 

But there is another way to make that jump across the light wall. The craft must just pull those particles so small that there are no hollows in them. If something can pull particles in the condition that it's solid. That thing makes it possible to travel at the speed of light or even faster. 

If our hypothetical craft can form a quantum vacuum in front of it that thing pulls it stronger. Then system must transport energy in that structure from the sides. The things like black holes inside the spacecraft can make that situation real. 

The speed of light is "only" energy level. The craft must make an energy level that is almost the same as the kinetic energy at the speed of light. Then it requires the push that raises the energy level higher than it would be, at the speed of light. 

Another way to make energy level rise is just to accelerate the craft to a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the craft will driven into the gas bubble. When that particle impacts with gas that impact energy is so high that it causes the craft to jump out from the 3D universe. 

That kind of border cross is the thing that is seen in neutrino detectors. When a particle or object has mass. Its slowing cannot be limitless. When an object slows its speed. It releases its kinetic energy. And during that moment the particle crosses the speed of light. That thing is seen as a blue light flash. 

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