Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Dyson's spheres.

   The Dyson's spheres. 

Artist's impression of a Dyson Sphere around a distant star

If some civilization wants to make megastructures they must have a motive for that project. 

First I must say. That Dyson's spheres are not only hypothetical megastructures. If some civilization decides to make a megastructure it needs a very good motive for that project. In some visions, the giant particle accelerator would be a more realistic megastructure than Dyson's sphere. The accelerator would be like a ring around the star. That kind of system could be billions of times more powerful than some Hadron particle accelerators can be. 

Futurologists connected Dyson's spheres to Kardashev type 2 civilizations. Or sharper we can say that Dyson's spheres would be the product of a hypothetical late-type 2 civilization. The motive for making that kind of civilization would be to solve overpopulation problems. And the civilization will make those Dyson's spheres just before it starts interstellar traveling and turns into Kardashev type 3 civilization. 

The Kardashev type 2 civilization can benefit 100% of their star's energy production. But those civilizations cannot yet handle interstellar traveling. If we think that Kardashev type 2 civilizations have the motive and technology to make those Dyson's spheres they could make impressive structures. 

But when civilization starts to conquer its solar system it must choose the way how to make that thing.  It can use natural planets. The problem with natural planets is that they can involve things like bacteria that can cause epidemics. Another version is that civilization benefits from artificial structures like O'Neill cylinders. Those cylinders offer a sterile place for living. 

Regarding Type II Civilizations, Kardashev mentioned Dyson’s concept and cited his original paper. (Interesting Engineering/Is it time to rethink Dyson Spheres?)

But when we think about the hypothetical Kardashev type 2 civilization and its motive to make Dyson's spheres, one of those motives could be to solve the population problem. The giant Dyson's sphere can also used to collect energy for the spacecrafts that the civilization will send to conquer the entire galaxy. But anyway, Dyson's sphere would be a giant project. Civilization must destroy planets from their solar system using antimatter bombs to get material for those megastructures. 

Where does Kardashev's type 2 civilization require Dyson's spheres? In some visions, the sphere is a large group of giant particle accelerators. The star will feed that structure with energy. And those particle accelerators will make time dilation in that structure.  

Benefiting 100 % of the energy of the star is not an end in itself. When we are searching for civilizations, we must realize that things like Dyson's spheres would be extreme projects for Kardashev type 2 civilizations that can benefit 100% of their star's energy. Civilization requires some kind of motive for those megastructures. But if those civilizations can make the Dyson's spheres they could adjust their star's brightness. Another thing that this type of megastructure can make is that civilization can create artificial stars by using those megastructures. The system pulls ions in the Dyson's spheres. And then it presses them with magnetic fields and antimatter explosions that happen in its shell. Theoretically, that thing can make an artificial star. 

Dyson spheres are hypothetical megastructures that close entire stars in them. That kind of giant sphere allows civilizations to use 100% of their star's energy. Similar structures can collect energy from black holes and make civilization immortal. Or the civilization's existence is connected to the fate of the universe. But when think about those hypothetical megastructures, we always forget one thing. The civilization will not necessarily want to use 100 % of their sun's energy. And another thing is that there are other ways to produce lots of energy, than just closing some stars in the ball-shaped structure.

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