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The robot water striders are the fastest and smallest miniature robots.

"Researchers at Washington State University have developed the smallest and fastest micro-robots, potentially transforming fields from artificial pollination to surgery. Utilizing shape memory alloys for movement, these robots—significantly lighter and quicker than previous models—aspire to achieve greater autonomy and efficiency by mimicking natural insect behavior. Credit: WSU Photo Services." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Have Created the World’s Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots)

The new miniature robots can walk on the water. Their structure is a straight copy of the water striders. The small bugs that can walk or slide on the water. On the water strider's feet is small hair and their weight is divided on the layer so that it will not fall through the surface membrane. 

This system, that the Washington State University created uses small rows to move the robot. So the robot stands on water. And the rows move it. Another way is to use small-size paddle wheels that can make those robots even faster. In some visions on those robot's feet small cylinders can rotate and push the robot forward. 

The more advanced system can use the small nano-hair that makes it hover above the water layer. And some models can have nano-size paddle wheels where those small nano-hairs can be in rotating platforms. Those rotating paddle wheels can give those robots more speed than any natural water strider can get. 

The smallest and fastest miniature robots in the world are the next-generation tools for scientific and military applications. This type of miniature robot can sniff chemicals, observe their environment, and search for new species. In the same way, those systems can operate in civil rescue and military intelligence missions. 

The bug-size robots are possible because they can harvest energy from radio waves. However, there is the possibility. Some next-generation robots use biological power units like living cells that can create energy for the system. The new types of microchips can use living neurons to boost their abilities. 

And those systems can be the tools that give small robots to very high autonomy. The tiny robots that use biological electric delivery systems and biological microchips can eat similar nutrients to vegetables and humans. So those systems can be the next-generation invisible tools for many missions. 

"Researchers at the University of Cordoba, in collaboration with other institutions, have developed a new type of battery using hemoglobin as a catalyst in zinc-air batteries. This biocompatible battery can function for up to 30 days and offers several advantages, such as sustainability and suitability for use in human body devices. Despite its non-rechargeable nature, this innovation marks a significant step towards environmentally friendly battery alternatives, addressing the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries. (Artist’s Concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Sustainable Energy? Scientists Create First-Ever Battery Using Hemoglobin)

The "robot mosquito". The hemoglobin batteries. 

Things like hemoglobin batteries are exciting systems. The system can use living cells to make hemoglobin for those batteries. The hemoglobin battery base is similar to all other batteries. Electrons travel from hemoglobin iron to the more noble metal. The thing with that battery is that it must replace used hemoglobin. And one thing that can make this thing is biotechnology where the bone marrow makes new red blood cells to those batteries. 

And finally, the internal cell cultures in larger-size robots can produce methane that the system can use in its fuel cells. The system can use any type of organic material that is closed in an anaerobic chamber. Then that methane can be driven to the fuel cells. Or there is a possibility that the system uses electric eel cells for making high-voltage power. As I wrote many times before the new biological systems can connected into parallel and serial connections. And they might be less powerful than isotope batteries. But those biological systems do not involve radioactive material that can be dangerous in the wrong hands.


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