Sunday, June 9, 2024

What if researchers can transform infrared radiation into radiowaves or visible light?

Brand new wave-based model for heat transport. 

"Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow have applied the Doppler effect and the telegraph equation to explore heat transport in complex systems like biological tissues. Their findings suggest that heat transport can exhibit wave-like behaviors, potentially revolutionizing medical and cosmetic procedures by improving heat management techniques. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport)

Photon polarization is a situation. Where the system removes some of its circular- or superpositions. Photon polarization is the quantum version of classic polarization. "Photon polarization is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. An individual photon can be described as having right or left circular polarization, or a superposition of the two. Equivalently, a photon can be described as having horizontal or vertical linear polarization, or a superposition of the two." (Wikipedia, Photon polarization)

In this text photon polarization is used along with "regular" polarization. 

Polarization means that the system removes certain wavelengths from radiation. So what if, some system can filter things like infrared radiation from the air? The ability to filter infrared radiation from the air makes it possible to deny the heat effect from nuclear weapons. And one of the possibilities is to use counterwaves, that stretch infrared radiation. 

The new wave-based model in heat transport is important. If researchers want to control heat or any other effect, we must know how this effect interacts with the material. Heat is infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a long wave of electromagnetic radiation. We cannot see that radiation, but infrared cameras and films can see IR radiation. It's possible to adjust the electromagnetic radiation wavelength simply by pushing those waves back with counterradiation. 

When counter radiation hits infrared radiation, that should stretch it. That thing can make it possible to change the infrared radiation wavelength. And if that thing is possible, it can change everything. The problem with controlling heat with counter radiation is that the counter radiation's energy level must be higher than incoming radiation so that it can push it back. 

"The Doppler effect can be heard particularly clearly when a train passes by. The presence of the same effect in the generalized telegraph equation indicates the wave nature of heat transport over small distances. Credit: IFJ PAN" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport)

The fast-moving particles like electrons can also adjust the wave movement. The virtual blueshift can created when a high-speed particle hits the incoming wave movement. When the object travels away, the wavelength turns longer. And when the object travels to the observer wavelength turns shorter. If electrons or other particles travel in the same direction with radiation they can pull energy in them. And then the side-coming magnetic field can whip those electrons away from their direction. If electrons shoot opposite to IR radiation, that stretches- or turns wave movement shorter. 

If the counterwave's energy level is too low, the incoming radiation will push it back, but in that case, the counterradiation changes the wavelength of the IR radiation.  In some models, the infrared lasers can be used to control heat in the fusion system. The laser system can press part of the radiation back to the center of the reactor. This thing means that the system pushes back part of the radiation. That decreases the energy mass, which affects the reactor's shell. 

The photonic microprocessors require the ability to control photons. The side-coming laser ray, whose energy level is higher than another laser ray can deny the laser ray travel through it. The higher energy laser that operates at the same frequency as another laser ray can polarize or filter the laser ray. The photonic polarization means that some of the photons will be removed. That means the system denies the photon's travel. And that means photons cannot reach the surface. 

The ability to change radiation's wavelength opens impressive possibilities. When we think about things like photon polarization we can theoretically make objects invisible. Theoretically, counterwaves that can stretch radiation can turn visible light into IR X-ray radiation, or even radio waves.   

And if someday researchers can polarize infrared radiation or turn very high energy IR radiation into radiowaves that thing can make even nuclear weapons ineffective. The photon polarization that can remove infrared radiation or any other wavelength can also make things like military lasers unable to operate. 

The ability to change the radiation wavelength makes many things possible. That thing makes it possible to create new, ultra-secured data transmissions. And it gives new potential for green energy. The ability to transform visible light into radio waves can make long-distance, wireless energy transportation possible.

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