Sunday, August 25, 2024

The DNA is the next-generation powerhouse for medical and technical tools.

"A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way for molecular computing’s future. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Next Frontier: DNA Emerges as a Powerhouse for Data Storage and Computing)

The new bacterial repair injuries. This new bacteria gel is a tool that can make it possible to make new types of treatment. When we think of bacteria that can turn into another cell in the right position, that bacteria is one thing that is possible to create using modern biotechnology. The system must connect two DNA molecules into a new entirety. This kind of bacteria can travel to the right point, and then the food can act as a trigger that activates the second DNA. 

That thing transforms the cell into another Or wait for the cell to read DNA in the connection point of the DNA molecules. And at that point. The DNA transforms the cell into another. Transformation of the bacteria requires this kind of DNA connection. (Bacteria DNA) + (Another cell DNA). 

The ability to destroy the bacteria DNA when the cell needs to transform makes accuracy for that system. In some visions, there is a small crystal in the bacteria. That allows the system to activate the transformation process exactly at the right moment. Then the thing like an acoustic wave breaks that crystal. And releases the DNA mRNA into the cell organelle. Then that DNA orders the cell to destroy the DNA from the nucleus and then it replaces that destroyed DNA with new DNA. 


"Researchers from DTU have developed a new biopolymer for muscle tissue regeneration. They have harnessed the native bioproduction facilities in bacteria to synthesize a durable, resilient, and elastic hydrogel that may foster better therapies against traumatic muscle injuries. Credit: DTU." (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough “Bactogel” Offers New Hope for Muscle Repair)

The knowledge and ability to manipulate the DNA makes it possible to use it as data storage. The system can transfer data, stored in the DNA using electric bacteria. The DNA makes bacteria give electric impulses that the receiving system decodes. That thing makes it possible to drive data between organic and non-organic data storage.

Things like new microscopes allow the system to read the DNA with a very high accuracy. And that is one of the things that can make the revolution in biotechnology and data handling technology. 

"Researchers at the Fritz Haber Institute have unveiled a new microscopy technique that reveals nanoscale structures in detail never seen before. This innovation, built over five years, holds promise for advancing flat optics and more efficient optical devices. Credit: FHI" (ScitechDaily, The Microscopy Breakthrough That’s Unveiling Hidden Worlds)

The genetically engineered bacteria can turn into the biorobot. In some visions, the biorobot can take neurotransmitters from the brain, and then transfer them into the cloned neuron that interacts with microprocessors. The biorobot can pull those neurotransmitters into the hollow fiber. 

There they can remain in the same order. Then the system where the neuron cooperates with the microchip can read the data, that is stored in those neurotransmitters. The neuron pulls those neurotransmitters inside them. Then it sends data to the microprocessor using the electric signals. 

The same technology allows to creation of bacteria that transfer data between DNA and computers or make bacteria that turn into wanted cells makes possible to transport data to human brains. The idea is that the bacteria that create electric impulses can transfer data to the brain cells. That technology is useful in cases where the brains are damaged, and the transformed bacteria is transferred to fix the damage.

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