Sunday, September 29, 2024

Biomimetic machines can emulate natural creature behavior.

"A biological model based on slime mold has provided astronomers with new insights into the structure and evolution of the universe. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Slime Mold Algorithms Unlock Secrets of Vast Cosmic Structures)

Biomimetics is the emulation of nature. The drone swarms can emulate slime molds and starling swarms. Another thing is that computer viruses are things that emulate natural viruses. 

Biomimetics is not necessarily a physical thing. Also, virtual systems can emulate living nature. Things like the slime mold algorithm that uses slime mold as a model of the universe's structures emulates nature in the virtual model. The slime mold algorithm can also be used in things like drone swarms. Those systems can use slime mold algorithms to create drone swarms that behave like slime mold. Another way is to create an algorithm that makes drone swarms behave like starling swarms. 

The networked systems make it possible that the drone swarm can act like one large creature. And the AI-driven drone swarms can emulate the starling swarm, which makes it hard to separate them from natural and harmless starlings. The drone swarms can also make it possible to create macro entireties. The drone swarms can cooperate. One of them can act as an eyeball, and some other drone swarms can close targets from opposite directions. In those cases that drone swarm can emulate natural entireties. 

When we think about things like data security the drone swarms can break it. Small autonomous drones can follow people on the streets. They can take images through windows and hear what people say. The AI-controlled drones can also slip data viruses to the computers using the UBG gates. The robot will just fly to the open computer. Then it pushes the data socket to the USB gate and then downloads the virus to the computer. 

If the small drones can slip into the house, and those drones can use wireless electric transfer, that kind of system can see everything that happens on the screens. The system can also eavesdrop on the office. When we think about the most modern data security tools the robots can slip the malware into the system using the USB gates. 

The modern drone swarms can involve the user interface, which allows operators to give orders to those swarms using the spoken language or keyboard. Operators can use the drone swarms for recon, intelligence, and attack missions. The attack drones can make the recon missions until they find the target. 

The recon drone involves a microphone and camera with a laser microphone that can transmit data to the other side of the world if it can use a satellite modem. The other version is that drones make chains that transmit information from drone to drone. 

Or the drone can use voice and video recorders when it stays in passive mode. When the drone's mission is done, it can fly home using the automatized location system. Even small drones can use terrain contour matching TERCOM or they can use stellar navigation. The system emulates birds if it uses stellar maps to navigate. Or there could be the data transmitter that calls the drone. 

Or a drone can connect itself to the internet socket, and transmit data through the network. The system can use the AI-based speech-to-text application. And it can send data in the form of the text. 

The AI is the tool that can be used to create computer viruses and malicious software. The virus and malware creation must be denied in network-based official solutions. However, we know that many nations are developing AI-based large language models, or, LLM chatbots that can create custom spyware and custom malware that make those systems very effective. There are also private workers like organized crime, that can try to create the LLM that can used for custom intruding operations.

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