Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Researchers opened the slime mold algorithm and ordered it to make a universe.

Researchers ordered the slime mold algorithm. To make a universe. The slime mold algorithm is a mathematical model that emulates the slime mold behavior in nature. The slime mold algorithm makes drone swarms act like slime mold. And that makes them more effective and harder for defenders. The slime mold turns only a small part of itself into food to deny harmful viruses. 

So if drone swarms push a small part of itself into things like caves, there is a bigger possibility that all drones return. This algorithm called also the amoeba algorithm makes the drone swarms change their form all the time. Another thing that this algorithm makes possible is the new types of network solutions where the network connections act like amoebas. 

The system can give the IP address to some system, and if the system is not in use for a while, it can take the IP address away and give it to some other system. That releases network capacity and when the workstation is in use again, the network can give it the IP address. The system might have double IP systems. The first is the open net use. And the second is for the confidential net use. The system can take the trusted IP off if the computer is not connected to the trusted network socket. Or it's not in use for a while.

Above: Slime mold algorithm. 

"Astronomers have gotten creative in trying to trace the elusive cosmic web, the large-scale backbone of the cosmos. Researchers turned to slime mold, a single-cell organism found on Earth, to help them build a map of the filaments in the local universe (within 500 million light-years from Earth) and find the gas within them. The researchers designed a computer algorithm inspired by the organism’s behavior and applied it to data containing the positions of 37,000 galaxies (“food” for the slime mold) mapped by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. "  (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Map Dark Matter Filaments Holding Universe Together With Some Help From Slime Mold)

"The algorithm produced a three-dimensional map of the underlying cosmic web’s intricate filamentary network, the purple structure in the image. The three sets of inset boxes show some of those individual galaxies that were “fed” to the slime mold and the filamentary structure connecting them. The galaxies are represented by the yellow dots in three of the inset images. Next to each galaxy snapshot is an image of the galaxies with the cosmic web’s connecting strands (purple) superimposed on them. Credit: NASA, ESA, and J. Burchett and O. Elek (UC Santa Cruz)" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Map Dark Matter Filaments Holding Universe Together With Some Help From Slime Mold)

Slime molds and mRNA manipulation with DNA computing form impressive thoughts. 

But what if researchers could make non-stop mRNA manipulation for physical slime mold? That means they could order the slime mold to make any form that they want. 

Slime mold is one of the simplest organisms on earth, that can search their food and move without a nervous system. The entirety of the slime mold uses DNA as its "brains".  Researchers can manipulate the behavior and shape of that organism using mRNA. 

That means that the biomaterial that can take any shape that the control system wants is almost possible. The mRNA can order the structure to take the form of bones or hard form. And when the system needs to take a new form, the new mRNA viruses can make the trunk organism soft again. 

That thing might seem a very small thing. However, it can have a big, and powerful effect on nanomaterials. That thing allows developers to make self-repairing and self-forming materials. If researchers make slime mold. That is large enough. And connect that thing with things, like metallic puzzle pieces. 

That thing allows the system to make things like "liquid metal amoebas" that can take any form it sees. The replication system can be the advanced microchip technology. Boosted with high-level artificial intelligence. Those systems will reprogram and manipulate the slime mold. 

Synthetic mRNA can use that manipulation. Those systems can be in the nanotechnical factories where the microprocessors, sound lasers (SASER), acoustic tweezers, and lasers manipulate the PCR process. The slime mold can be the trunk for the metal bites. The thing is that this kind of system can be more advanced and powerful than we even imagine. 

The mRNA can order the slime mold to change its form into a bone- or chorale-looking hard structure. And when the system must take another shape that nano-biosystem can turn the living structure back to slime mold that takes another shape. That kind of hybrid system might be closer than we thought. 

In future. DNA-based molecular computing will make it possible to create small, more independent systems than ever before. DNA-based computing makes it possible to create biorobots that can make many complicated things. The DNA-based molecular computers can turn the slime molds into biorobots, which change their forms. As some T-1000 in Terminator movies. Things like biological electric systems like electric cells can offer electric power to nanotechnology. 













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