Monday, September 23, 2024

The AI learns to think like humans.

"AI’s ability to learn through thinking, akin to human cognitive processes, showcases its potential and limitations in mimicking human reasoning and adaptation. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, How AI Is Learning to Think on Its Own Like Humans)

The thinking process means that the system, like human brains interconnects data and transforms it into a new form. That data transformation can happen through internal simulation or by connecting data from sensors to the data, that system stored in databases.  

And even if "New research highlights how AI, like humans, learns through explanation, simulation, analogy, and reasoning without external inputs. This on-demand learning, beneficial for adapting knowledge to new contexts, illustrates similarities and pivotal differences between natural and artificial cognition, offering a unique lens to study human thought processes and AI’s potential and limitations" (ScitechDaily, How AI Is Learning to Think on Its Own Like Humans)

The AI cannot make a simulation without a dataset. There is no data that the system can use in simulations. The simulation is like a computer game that the AI plays inside it. Or the AI requires two separate systems to play the game or simulation. If the AI runs data in itself the system acts like a demo play or film. But if the AI plays a game against other AI that allows it to develop its reactions. And when the AI develops reactions it learns things. In simulation, the AI uses virtual models that it modulates and re-forms with other AI. 

If we want to use computer games as the model of "How to teach AI", the idea is that when AI systems play the game. The AI that gets more points is the winner. But then the AI systems discuss or exchange information about what they did wrong. Then they can play another simulation to solve errors that they detect. 

In intelligent systems, the AI has three, or more parts. The number of those data handling tools must be odd or the system can jam. The odd of data handling units makes it possible. That third unit releases those two bigger units if they get different answers. 

Those three parts of the AI system emulate the cerebrum and the third part emulates the cerebellum. The third part selects the better solutions that the two bigger parts introduce if they introduce different solutions. This is the key problem with traditional computing. In one processor jams that thing requires that another actor comes to solve a problem or release the jammed system.

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