Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Iron Dome is one of the most effective air defense systems.

The Iron Dome is a missile defense system whose missiles operate with highly sophisticated and effective artificial intelligence. The power of this missile defense base is in selective fire. The system calculates the incoming missile's trajectory. And it shoots only missiles that will hit the inhabited area. The system saves missiles and focuses defense on areas that mean something. The system shares the incoming missiles in, maybe two groups. Another is harmless and another is harmful. 

Things like killer drones are also problematic because their trajectories are harder to calculate than ballistic missiles. The thing that makes drones dangerous is that they can make masks for ballistic missiles. And even if those drones are slow, all of them must be shot down. 

The thing is that the cooperation between drone swarms and ballistic missiles is the next danger in conflict areas. In the film, you can see how drones make light images of the skies. The killer drones can also carry LED lights and they can be used to disturb air defense against the ballistic missiles. 

In the regular models, the enemy shoots very many drones against targets. Ukraine has shown that any drone must not be allowed to reach its targets. And that causes the threat that. Maybe there are not enough missiles in the storage. The idea is that drones can be used to wear out the missiles. The AA guns have similar problems with missiles. They have limited ammunition storage.  And this is one of the reasons, why the researchers develop the directed energy weapons, DEW. The Iron Beam lasers can replenish the Iron Dome.

The drones and LED lights can be used to hide incoming missiles behind them. The killer drones can also try to harm the AA missile bases. Remotely controlled drones can involve targeting transmitters. The enemy agents can try to land that kind of transmitter on the roofs of targeted houses, and then those missiles and drones aim at that target. So military forces are testing or using laser microwave weapons (like Iron Beam, THEL, and THOR) to destroy drone swarms. One of the solutions can be the electromagnetic pulse, EMP that destroys drone computers.  The high-power microwave systems can affect the drone swarm as an entirety. The high-power radio impulses can also used to jam the drone communication.

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