Thursday, October 31, 2024

The three-body problem has no universal solution.

"This artist's depiction shows what the sky might look like around the moon of a giant planet in a trinary system. Although numerous planets in trinary systems have been discovered, the characterization of GW Orionis indicates that it may be the first known system where planets orbit around all three members of a trinary system." (Big Think, Meet the first star system to “solve” the 3-body problem)

Today we can say that the three-body problem has no universal solution. The solution can be local. The system can make a simulation by following certain objects. 

Data that the operators collect from the solar system makes it possible to create a simulation. That is suitable for that certain three-body system. 

There are always more than three actors in all systems. Also things like electromagnetic fields, and gravitational waves. And other kinds of artifacts can cause errors in solutions. The gravitational waves can cause immediate error in three-body systems if those actors are small. In other cases, the long-term gravitational effect can cause anomalies even in quite heavy objects. 

The thing is that there are not many identical three-body systems. Things like the mass of those objects. But, things like outcoming and outgoing energy affect those systems. This is to make a solution that is suitable for simulation and can be transferred to the real world. The problem with the simulation is that there are only three bodies. In the real world things like distance between those objects determine some values of those three bodies. 

In the real world, there are many other energy effects. That makes it hard to compile simulations in the real world. Some of those effects are very easy to predict. They happen simultaneously. But then there are sudden effects like red dwarf flare eruptions that can suddenly change the trajectories of the objects. Also, things like plasma eruptions from some black holes can cause changes in the system. 

The thing is that there must be a similar three-body system that is used for measurements. If the conditions in those systems are identical to the solution that researchers made for the first system, The solution is suitable for all similar systems. However, the problem with simulations that should prove the solution is that they are made using calculations where those bodies are similar. There is no outcoming suddenly starting energy bursts asteroids and other surprises.

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