Wednesday, October 30, 2024

There could be axion clouds around neutron stars.

"An axion cloud around a neutron star. While some axions escape the star’s gravitational pull, many remain bound to the star and over a long period of time form a cloud surrounding it. The interaction with the neutron star’s strong magnetic field causes some axions to convert into photons – light that we can eventually detect with our telescopes on Earth. Credit: University of Amsterdam" (, Physicists show that neutron stars may be shrouded in clouds of axions)

The neutron stars can be the key to the axions. Those still hypothetical,  mysterious dark matter particles should shroud neutron stars. They should also trapped in the neutron star's structure. The idea is that the heavy gravitation in neutron stars can pull axion particles near them. That allows researchers to observe hypothetical axion clouds' interaction with neutron stars' gravity and other energy fields. 

The hypothetical axions or dark matter particles can interact with gravity. Because all galaxies have no dark matter, that causes models that the dark matter can form similar structures as visible material. There are theorems that axions are similar to virtual, or quasiparticles as excitons. The idea is that the quarks or maybe some bosons can form similar holes as electrons.  In exciton electron jumps out from its orbital and starts to orbit its hole. So could things like quarks have that kind of effect? 

Radiation near neutron stars is very strong. That means there are electromagnetic shadows on the other side of the particles. Those electromagnetic shadows can act like material. And it's possible. That some electrons or some other particles start to orbit those shadows. 

And that is the only confirmed interaction between dark and visible material. In some simulations those particles send reflection. But that reflection is too weak to observe. There are theories that axions are particles that the wave-particle duality formed from gravitational waves. Or maybe axions are particles that spin very fast. In some models, axions are stretched to the needle-looking particles. 

The fast rotation or spin makes the electromagnetic field travel past the quantum field around the axion. That means the axion can act like a stealth bomber and aim the radion over it without reflection. Or in the alternative model, the axion is like a drill or screw that rolls the quantum field. Then that quantum field can travel out from the axion at the point of the spin axle. That forms the energy pike that is hard to notice. Because its diameter is too small.

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