Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Artificial proteins are a new tool against snake poison.

"Researchers have developed new proteins using computational design to effectively neutralize some of the most dangerous snake venom toxins, signaling a shift towards more accessible and efficient antivenom solutions." (ScitechDaily, AI-Designed Proteins – Unlike Any Found in Nature – Revolutionize Snakebite Treatment)

Artificial proteins are the only small part of products that AI-controlled development can find. The AI-controlled manufacturing systems are packed with computers, spectrometers, and effectors. Basically, that combination is similar to that used in the large stellar observatories for research space. The difference is that those new reaction systems observe microcosmos. 

They use advanced microscopes and spectroscopy to create precise chemical environments. Things like ultrasound and laser tweezers along with ion systems move those particles in that chamber. 

Those effectors can be mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, etc. The ability to react fast with high accuracy makes that kind of system more effective than traditional chemical chambers. The artificial, genetically engineered cells can create proteins and other things. That people require. The artificial cells can create an almost limitless number of complex chemical compounds. One of the compounds is the cloned shell of the cancer cells. That thing makes the ribosome inactivation. 

The new nanotechnical medicines can be proteins. That is packed in with other proteins. The shell proteins drive the medicine into the right cells and then the ion pump releases the effector to the cell. That effector can be the DNA bite that orders cells to die. Basically, that effector can be nano-silk that fills the targeted cell. 

There is the possibility to create medicines that close the receptors that offer poison to come into the cell. The protein. That connects itself to that receptor makes it possible to predict the poison. The protein inactivates that receptor only when the poison is in the body. And that makes it possible to give revolutionary counter-poison for venomous snakes and even against chemical weapons. 

In the ideal case, the counter-poison can be taken before the person even sees snakes. In those cases, the snake poison itself activates the counter-poison. 

The person who walks in the dangerous area just takes the capsule that involves nanomachines which inject that protein or protein producer into the body. The idea is that the counter-poison is taken before any snake is seen. And when the snake injects its poison to the victim the counter poison will activate. If those protein producers are artificial cells there can be programmed cell death that removes those cells in a certain time. Nanotechnology allows to create the customized cells. That surface antigen fits the receiver's body. 

Then nanotechnology can combine those proteins into a new form. Nano-, and biotechnology make it possible to create biological plasters that include fungi that create the penicillium to wounds and leaf cells that give oxygen to wounded areas. Those leaves can also give oxygen to the body of a wounded person. Those biological components like generically engineered fungi can also create proteins that can neutralize snake poison. But theoretically, genetically engineered snakes can create medicines in their poison glands. 

In one vision those remotely controlled snakes that the microchips control can deliver those medicines or vaccines to the human body. Another interesting vision is to make artificial cells or artificial mosquitos that can deliver things like vaccines. The visions that nanotechnology can make are limitless. The ability to control DNA and individual molecules. Are things that offer a world where the imagination is the limit.

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