Sunday, January 26, 2025

Einstein's Theory of Relativity passes its ultimate test in CERN.


"Scientists have now confirmed through experiments with top quarks at the LHC that Einstein’s special theory of relativity holds, even under conditions where some theories predicted it might not. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Theory Faces Its Heaviest Challenge Yet – and It Still Holds Up)

Albert Einstein's brilliant theories haven't fallen yet. The CERN particle accelerator tested his theories at the ultimate energy levels, and that is one of the most interesting details of those models. Einstein's theories were made before supercomputers and particle accelerators. The interesting detail is that those calculations are so precise that they stand against the ultimate high-energy tests. 

Over a century ago, researchers and other scientists tried to find errors in those theories. And they have not found them. That is a remarkable thing. Another remarkable thing is that small errors don't turn theory or model unuseful. There are errors or inaccuracies in many models. And in the quantum level, we find more and more inaccuracies. When researchers use supercomputers they can use so-called "virtual decimal numbers". 

That term means decimal numbers that are so long that we cannot write them during our lifetime.  There are billions and billions of numbers behind the comma. This means that nobody finds any practical use for those decimal numbers. Or by the way, there is one use for those decimal numbers. That is cryptology, but that use includes only long prime numbers. 

The Theory of Relativity includes two parts. 

Theory of Special Relativity. (1905)

Theory of General Relativity (1915)

But we can be glad that one thing remains. The E=mc^2 still holds its place as one of the simplest and most well-documented models in history. 

Actually, the E=mc^2 is the repairment for Einstein's Theory of Special relativity. The Theory of Special Relativity is suitable for calculating trajectories in the straight universe. But in gravity fields the Theory of General Relativity describes situations better. Einstein saw the need for the Theory of General Relativity when his Theory of Special Relativity could not describe the planet Mercury's trajectory. 

The theory of Special Relativity was not wrong, because it could describe other planets than Mercury trajectories. Then Einstein introduced his model of curvature of spacetime. The theory of Relativity is one of the things that describes the universe. It's a good example. That all theories are not suitable for every situation. The thing is that there is no straight universe. Every single particle forms a small pothole around it. That pothole is the gravity pothole. But gravity is not the only force in the universe. 

Above: Sombrero model. The particle is on the energy hill and a gravity pothole surrounds it. The edge of the pothole must be lower than the particle that it's visible. In this text "particle" is the synonym for gravity center. 

The curvature of spacetime means that all particles are like in gravity potholes. That pothole is a lower energy area around the particle. So, all particles are gravity centers. In a so-called "sombrero model" the particle is on the top of the energy hill. If that energy hill is above the pothole around it, we can see the particle. 

The reason for this thing called time dilation is that if the particle is below the edge of the energy pothole we can call it a gravity pothole it cannot send energy away from it. The depth of that pothole determines how much energy or wave movement can travel out from the particle. If a particle gets all the energy that it releases back, it will not turn older. 

When the energy level around the particle turns lower it should turn the pothole around it lower. That means that more particles reach the edge of the gravity pothole and they send more radiation or wave movement. That means the energy level in the universe will increase. And that is one of the reasons for the expansion of the universe. 

Can we see the particle? That depends on the energy hill where the particle itself stands. The energy level in a particle must be so high that it can rise over the edge of a gravity pothole. If the particle's energy level in that particle is lower than the edge of the pothole, we cannot see because it's below the edge, which we can call a horizon or event horizon. 

When a particle is in the gravitational pothole radiation that it sends must rise to the edge of that pothole so that we can see the particle or even its shine.  If the energy level around the pothole turns lower it would make the pothole itself lower. So when the energy level around gravity centers turns lower that will uncover more particles. 

That means that also lower energy particles turn visible. When a particle is visible or its energy hill is above the edge of a gravitational pothole it sends radiation. Or radiation can travel out from the particle. When radiation travels out from the gravitational pothole the particle cannot get it back.

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