Monday, January 27, 2025

The story of two exoplanets.

"Astronomers have recently uncovered a rare multi-planetary system featuring a Hot Jupiter accompanied by both an inner Super-Earth and a distant giant planet. This fascinating configuration, identified through decades of observations and cutting-edge spectrography, challenges traditional notions of planet migration and system formation. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada". (ScitechDaily, Secrets of Hot Jupiters Revealed: WASP-132 Breaks the Rules of Planetary Systems)

Sometimes. Hot Jupiters are hotter than their stars. Those usually locked gas planets get energy from their star. But, also massive friction that the wind that travels between night and day releases energy. There is a very strong wind at the locked planets. And that also raises their temperature. Because gas planets' clouds orbit at different speeds. That causes friction that turns especially gas planets very hot. 

The WASP-132b  is a planet between two hot Jupiters. The mass of WASP-132b is 0,4 times Earth. The orbital period of that exoplanet is>7.13 days That planet orbits the K-4 type star known as WASP-132. That orange dwarf has a surface temperature of 4714 K. The WASP-132b has a mass of about half Jupiter. Its surface temperature is about 490 C. 

(Wikipedia, WASP-132)

There are also two massive planets in that planetary system. WASP-132 c and WASP-132d. The WASP-132 b is between those two exoplanets. The WASP-132c is also hot Jupiter with 6,26 times Earth's mass near the star. Its orbital period is a little bit >1.0 days And the WASP-132 d with a mass that is >5,16 Earth mass. The orbital period of that exoplanet is far from others. The orbital period of that exoplanet is over 1816 days. That exoplanet looks too far that it can stabilize its solar system. 

When we think about the masses of those planets the most distant of those planets is also heaviest. But the question is how the WASP 132 b can exist. The star and its closest companion should pull that small planet to the star. So the order of those planets gives a hint, that the WASP-132 might have an invisible companion. Can there be a primordial black hole in that system? Or how the most out-exoplanet WASP-132 d can otherwise stabilize its solar system? Can the primordial black hole lurk in the WASP-132 d? 

There is a theory that low-mass black holes can lurk in hollow planets or asteroids. They can pull gas and dust shells near their event horizon. And that means those things can look like gas planets. Or they can form even solid shells around them. Sometimes researchers believe that the ninth planet (planet X) is a so-called primordial black hole that is about grapefruit size. 

Can J1407b: Super-Saturn be the primordial black hole?

An artist's impression of exoplanet J1408b. 

Could exoplanet J1408b be a primordial black hole?

The J1408b is normally called "Saturn on steroids". That means the planet's ultimate large ring system. Sometimes, researchers ask why those rings don't rip that planet in pieces. One answer could be that J1408b is so heavy. And dense planet that the massive ring system cannot rip in pieces. Another interesting question is how that ring system can stay orbiting that planet. 

The mass of those rings is extreme. But the orbiting speed of those particles must be high enough that the planet doesn't start to pull them into its atmosphere. That means the most out particles of that ring system should flee to space. And the answer for why that large ring system remains can be the primordial black hole. The extremely low-mass black hole can pull cloud systems around it. Theoretically, that kind of small, probably coin-size black hole can be in planets. The black hole can pull the cloud of fast-orbiting dust layer near its event horizon.

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