"Scientists have found a way to generate entangled photons using metasurfaces, simplifying quantum computing and communication. (Generating multiphoton entanglement with a tiny metasurface.) Credit: Peking University" (ScitechDaily, New Photon Entanglement Breakthrough Could Miniaturize Quantum Computers)
The photon chain makes it possible to create new types of quantum systems. Those systems can combine data handling and data transportation. The quantum computer in the future can look like a tube, there information travels in light flow in the photon-bound chains.
The new types of quantum entanglement make it possible to create long-distance quantum data transportation. The idea is that the data travels between photons. Those photons are in chains.
The system can make it possible to create a quantum chain where the other side is always at the lower energy level. The system can also let one of the photons in the chains to a very low energy level. Then it can dump data into it. After that, the system can raise its energy level.
If data can travel between curved photon chains. That makes quantum computers more scalable.
It can transmit information between multiple photons at the same time. But it can transmit identical information between quantum-, or qubit lines.
That ability makes it possible to make more effective error-detection protocols. That kind of system is one of the most fascinating that we can imagine.
The new photon quantum entanglement makes the new types of quantum computers possible. The quantum computer's "heart": the quantum entanglement can be put into the series. And that means information can travel long distances in that kind of quantum computer. The difference between regular quantum networks is that in this kind of system, the quantum network can also handle data as computers.
In traditional systems networks just transmit information. And the computer handles it. The quantum network can connect those systems in one entirety. So when this kind of network transports information it also handles it.
That means a quantum computer can be the tube, there is a bundle of the series of superpositioned and entangled photons. The series of entangled photons have one superiority that the simpler systems have not. The system can cut the photon chain at a certain point. When it wants to transport more information into it. That means the quantum system can create a loop.
There other systems can transport information in the middle of the process. By connecting multiple loops. That system can make a structure that can handle things more complicated than regular linear quantum computers. The circuit-shaped data handling process can make it possible for the system to make the data circuit, or data loop that allows it to drive calculations as cycles. So the quantum system can calculate series in those circuits.
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