"An international team, including an Oregon State University astrophysicist, has confirmed a 19-year-old theory on solar flare formation by observing “slip-running” reconnections of the sun’s magnetic field, inspired by Wile E. Coyote’s frantic chases. These high-speed movements, detected by NASA’s IRIS satellite, deepen understanding of solar flares, which can impact space weather, satellites, and power grids on Earth. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Confirm 19-Year-Old Solar Flare Theory With NASA’s Iris Satellite)
"A solar flare occurs when the sun’s atmosphere emits a sudden, intense burst of radiation via the rapid release of built-up magnetic energy. The energy output of a single flare is equivalent to millions of hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously and covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Confirm 19-Year-Old Solar Flare Theory With NASA’s Iris Satellite)
The 19-year-old theory about the solar flares origin is confirmed. That helps to predict space weather. Like particle bursts from the sun. Those bursts form in the solar flares. And they can destroy and damage satellites. Those plasma eruptions can release millions of times more energy than volcanic eruptions. There is a model in which new observations confirm that slip-running reconnection makes the energy impulse that launches the plasma eruption.
The plasma- or ionized gas is the most common material state in the universe. All stars are formed of plasma. The same things that cause solar flares make flares in other stars. Understanding magnetic field interaction makes it possible to create formulas that help to control the high-energy plasma. The ability to control the high-energy plasma at the precise right points makes it possible to drive positive and negative plasma together in the fusion reactors.
Positive or negative ions (anions) can form plasma. The question was what causes the energy point in the plasma that launches flares? There are two possible things. That can happen near the star's surface which can throw plasma into space. Another thing is that the plasma will make the bubble below the surface. The plasma's magnetic repel effect can push plasma away. That can form a high-energy whirl in the atmosphere. And that can raise the temperature.
The plasma forms the high-power generator around the sun. If some part of the sun's atmosphere plasma turns positive when plasma in the sun delivers electrons into plasma in the sun's atmosphere plasma. When ions into that gas turn anions that can form a short circuit near the sun's shell. Maybe those short circuits raise the corona's temperature.
Another thing can be the whirl that packs the plasma into one form and raises its energy level. The third thing is that some ions turn anions. There is the possibility that in that case there can form a situation that is similar to a short circuit in the generator. Those short circuits cause the electric arcs in the plasma that can form the flare.
The thing is that knowing that effect makes it possible to create new types of plasma ion systems for engines and weapons. The plasma system can turn plasma into a ball and then the outcoming energy impulse will make the plasma erupt at the precise right point. That thing makes it possible to create a fusion system that can impact positive and negative plasma together, as I wrote before.
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