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Prepare for the new quantum systems.

"Researchers at Delft University of Technology have pioneered a method to control atomic movement at the nucleus level using a scanning tunneling microscope. This innovative approach not only manipulates the spin of an electron but also allows it to interact with the nucleus, offering new possibilities for storing quantum information securely within the nucleus, shielded from external disturbances. Credit: TU Delft" (ScitechDaily, Precision in the Quantum Realm: Controlling the Core of an Atom) Researchers controlled the atom's core. And that thing makes the new path to quantum technology. The ability to control atoms and their movements opens the path to more powerful and accurate quantum technology. The ability to control atoms brings new types of quantum computers into light.  Modern quantum computers use photons as the qubits. The system makes superposition and entanglement between two photons. In some visions, the system can put those photons into rings. Skyrmion wil
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