Saturday, August 10, 2019

If we would compare economics to the universe.

If we would compare economics to the universe. 

The limitless resources are a fascinating idea, but when we are thinking about the cases, where the economy grows limitless, we are facing the theory, where this large economy starts to act like an economic black hole. It just sucks finances inside it, and nothing would get out. The interstellar nebulas would be similar with free money or capital of people. And stars are the shopping centers and heavy rank business actors.

The red dwarfs are small shops and white dwarfs might be gasoline station, which sells gasoline to the people, or they must use the service for some other reason. There might be car dealers, building companies and special service offerers like electricians and plumbers, what are actors, what services we don't need every day.

But those actors are extremely important when we need to buy a new car or make repairments for our house or build new business premises. Those things are extremely important when the customer steps in the market. But we don't need those services every day.  

And in real life, the new shopping center what comes to some area is acting as an economic black hole in that area.  Many economic theories are formed from the cosmic theories and in the world of economics, the gravity is the thing, what attracts and calls people to invest in some marketing area or marketing target.

When we are thinking about things like shopping centers, we are facing thing, that there is something for everybody. The list of shops and restaurants is extremely long, and the idea is that if the person comes to eat lunch in that shopping center, that might mean, that the person would turn to buy also other things from that center.

And the thing or marketing problem where the restaurant answers are, how to get a person or lead to visit in a shop for the first time? Why that person would come to visit in that shopping center?

The thing is that the logos of the boutiques are telling that some merchandise could be bought from similar shops from another place if the customer is hurry or that person doesn't need that merchandise in that day. The idea is that the shopping center would wake positive feelings for it and the markets what are operating inside it. 

This kind of way to market things is effective, and that brings customers everywhere. When we are comparing this kind of shopping paradise for the stars and other particles of the universe, we must realize that this kind of markets has a very powerful pulling effect or gravity field than some small shops.

An idea of the megamarkets is that they would make people willing to come farther than some small shop, and the area, where people decide to see some shopping center can be similar with gravity field of the star. The thing is that when we are comparing the economic operative area to galaxies, the free money, what people can spend to the merchandise is like interstellar dust.

The problem is that if the massive operator would come to some area, it would suck the free money out from the area. And that means that other actors like small shops are in danger because all free money would drop to that shopping center. When we are comparing shopping centers to stars, we must realize, that the traveling of the stars is a marketing campaign in the economic universe.

If we think that most of the free money would drop in the shopping center,  that means the one-siding advantage to the business infrastructure. This is that the small shops and restaurants are facing bankruptcy if people would not buy merchandise from those shops.

The big shopping center has a strong influence on the economical area if there have not been similar actors before. And the advantage continues, that the economic and business life is accumulating near this new shopping paradise, which means that the car repairing companies and petroleum stations are moving near the new and mighty shopping center.

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