Sunday, August 11, 2019

More about conspiracy theories

More about conspiracy theories

Sometimes conspiracy theories about the well-known persons involving in some criminal activities are told for slowing the investigations. Today Donald Trump retweeted the tweet, where Clintons were claimed to be behind the mass shootings. And this kind of tweets is maybe coming from the people, who are supporting the ideology of the shooter.

There have been claiming on the internet, that the far-right wing radicals are sometimes made the Twitter or some other social media account for their members, what are full of support of Antifa or some other left-wing organization. Those accounts are made because if the person is recognized during the strike, the evidence would send the investigators to the wrong direction.

When we are thinking about social media and the publicity of the far-wing radicals, we are facing the cases, where the publicity is used for making people fear. And here we must realize, that the media stories about far-wing radicals are always used the same method, that some politician would be shot head from the short distance, and if that person would leave politics, those attackers will leave that person alone.

Of course, the radicals are giving very much good topics for the newspapers, but there is always the word choice, "sitting down", what is heard in many other cases, where the person is pushed to stop studies or something like that. So that kind of things are really interesting details, and they must be an only coincidence. But when we are thinking about political violence, the thing is that those persons, who are playing with this kind of things might have some other motives than some kind of far-wing revolution. 

When we are thinking about the news, where is claimed that parents of some person have been happy, that the person stops studies, we must remember, that the far-wing actors are telling that this kind of choices is caused because of their actions. The thing is that if some person would be in some list of the officer of military forces, that thing is always mentioned in the propaganda of the far-wing movements.

But let's go back to the political conspiracy theories. Internet is full of them, and as we know, many of those theories are a hoax. But there are theories, what are somehow full of unexplained or badly investigated details. And one of them is a so-called serial killer cult. The origin of that very scary theory about the satanic cult inside the government is the testimonies, what three serial killers have given.

Henry Lee Lucas, Ottis Toole, and David Berkovitz were told the tales about some secret cult what is called as 4, where are involved members of the government officials, but many serial killers are claiming that kind of things because they want to avoid execution. The thing is that in some days some people claimed that in the in some motorcycle gangs the price of the membership is the life-sentence or conviction of homicide.

In Finland, a person named Marko Lonnqvist has claimed that the gang named Natural Born Killers (NBK) has taken members only persons, who have sat in jail because of murder. This kind of things is feeding the wild theories about cults and memberships in violent organizations. When we are thinking about those things, they might be only desperate attempts to avoid justice or revenge. The thing is that some people still believe those things, and they show that with overreactions in public media. But sometimes in the front of our eyes will rise question: "Is there something, what somebody doesn't want normal people to know"?

More info: Marko Lonnqvist
Natural Born Killer gang
mentioned names

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