Sunday, August 11, 2019

The political culture and things, what are sometimes a little bit painful

The political culture and things, what are sometimes a little bit painful

Sometimes political culture is a little bit painful because sometimes researchers and officials have different opinions with the politicians, and in some cases, there have been requests that the officials, who get their salaries from taxpayers must leave their job. The request has an argument that the marching order of the state requests that if the henchmen have different opinions with their managers, they must step away.

Or actually, the political culture has one small detail, what is normally not spoken. The thing is that in many times the political marching order and request for stepping away are connected with the writers or speakers own personal point of view and the personal benefit with the personal opinions of the writers. Sometimes political leaders above all, and everybody must obey them, and the next day, the same politician would be eaten to dogs. The popularity of political leaders is a moody thing.

If politician would please people, and make many great actions those things make that person great. But the bad thing is that the politicians are sometimes making bad decisions and in those cases, the only thing, what people remember is that bad or wrong decision. And then we must realize, that the popularity in another land doesn't mean that politician is popular in own land. The problem is that the voters, who elect politicians must be their countrymen. This causes conflicts with political leaders image in other lands and homeland.

Weapon limitation contracts 

When we are thinking about arms limitation and other kinds of things, we always forget, that the political leaders are changing. And the next leaders might have a different opinion than the predecessors, and as in the USA has been said many times: "Russia has the large landscape", that means that the weapon limitation observers have not time to visit in every factory in that country.

Reconnaissance satellites are seeing things, what is happening outside the house, but not what happens in the building. And the nuclear warheads can be stored below the nuclear reactors, which means that the gamma-ray sensors cannot locate them.

The weapon limitation talks and contracts are things what makes great feelings in people mind. There has always been willing to see things other ways than those two superpowers are seeing their point of view the things. Both sides of this kind of limitation contracts have been suspected to circle or even break those contracts, and here we must say, that if we would not get China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea to discuss this kind of contracts

Sometimes Russians have asked "how many kilometers of tunnels is in the USA? That means that in both countries has the knowledge, how to hide military research and manufacturing platforms. By using modern technology those platforms can operate automatically, and 3D printing technology allows to hide the material storage. Entire combat aircraft can be stored as the form of metal or carbon fiber wire and 3D printers can manufacture every part of the aircraft, and laser machine tools can make every part of those machines fitting perfectly.

The thing is that if other nations are not ratified the weapon limit contracts they do not influence international politics. And because nuclear weapons are bringing respect to nations, what has them in the stockpile. And this is one of the reasons, why many nations want those weapons. Nuclear weapons can also be used for destroying chemical- and biological weapons laboratories.

If there is some kind of leak in the laboratory, the entire complex, what can be very deep below the surface, could be destroyed by a nuclear weapon. And that thing would seem like an underground nuclear test in the sensors. This has been caused questions, that is it possible that some nuclear tests have been made for destroying the laboratories, there has been happened the release of the deadly organisms like Ebola? And of course, nuclear weapons can destroy the evidence of the existence of this kind of laboratories.

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