Friday, March 14, 2025

Can black holes be portals to other universes?

"A wormhole visualized as a two-dimensional surface. Route (a) is the shortest path through normal space between points 1 and 2; route (b) is a shorter path through a wormhole." (Wikipedia, Wormhole)

This is an interesting idea. That requires the existence of other universes. And proving that. Will prove multiverse existence. But before that, we can only make theories of black holes, white holes, and wormholes. 

The black hole is full of mysteries. The structure is pure gravity. And because escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. That means time should travel back in that structure. A black hole pulls material inside it. 

Then our knowledge of that thing ends, and we must start to make theories and mathematical models for that phenomenon that is more complicated than nobody knew. 

The extreme density. And extremely powerful gravity field makes the situation that even small differences between those distances affect that structure with enormous power. 

The information will never vanish. And the black hole pulls information inside it. The information exists but is it broken into pieces that will not turn back in one piece? The thing is that if the wormhole exists that structure can be the key to interstellar travel and maybe to dark matter and even dark energy. 

The wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge forms when the black hole's ultimate dense material touches the fields or superstrings that travel through that structure at the point in spacetime when the black hole forms. The supernova pushes those particles and superstrings into a very dense form. And that very dense form called singularity takes the touch with those fields and then turns them into the rope- or tornado-shape structure. 

There is a theory that this wormhole takes energy and material out of the black hole. The idea is that the black hole's relativistic jet forms around the wormhole. The wormhole is the whirl, or internal whirl in the quantum fields. There is the possibility that the wormhole is an internal quantum whirl that explains its hypothetical abilities. 

So we can think that the wormhole and some of the black hole's abilities form in the whirl-shape structure that surrounds the channel. That energy, or quantum whirl interacts with its environment like a Tipler cylinder. That means the thing that goes in the wormhole goes to the time trip. 

The black hole is like a Tipler cylinder itself. That structure transports energy and information to the point, where black holes form. When we think about the hypothetical wormhole and its rope-shaped form where all energy tornadoes are separated that means this. When energy travels through the wormhole it is like a light cable and a series of optic fibers. 

When energy travels through those quantum tornadoes it raises energy levels in fields around it. That energy pushes those strings away from each other because when the energy level in the fields rises it pushes those fields in the middle of those strings. 

And that forms entropy. The other thing is that. Entropy is also formed when a black hole travels in time. When the universe expands that means black holes always turn smaller. And pulls smaller masses of information into it. That causes them to turn into energy. Or they send energy waves. 

The black hole loses all the time its mass. And that makes it look like a cone if we see that route in time. The mass of information that the structure gets decreases. That causes the point that pulls information into it to always turn smaller. So it's like a funnel that is upside down. That makes space and entropy in a black hole. And the black hole itself is the wormhole that transports information back in time. 

The question is this: does the wormhole have a coherent, or non-coherent structure? 

There is the possibility that the wormhole is like a rope. The structure that is is formed of millions or even billions of small strings. Those strings are the quantum tornadoes that close energy and time inside them. 

If the wormhole is multiple internal energy tornadoes. So can this kind of structure transmit information through them? That thing depends on harmony. The requirement that information can travel through those wormholes is that there is not too much entropy. If the distance between those energy tornadoes is too long, information is destroyed. 

If the speed of information is the same and information travels through those quantum tornadoes in the same direction. That allows this structure to transport information. And keep it in the same form.  But if the information travels in two directions that thing breaks the form of the information. 

The thing is that the wormhole is an interesting phenomenon. And our knowledge of black holes grows all the time. We know electromagnetic and acoustic wormholes. So why the ultimate gravitational wormhole cannot be possible?

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