Monday, August 12, 2019

The strange thing in the cases, where the prison or hospital has a too-small crew

The strange thing in the cases, where the prison or hospital has a too-small crew

When the people would go to court all of them must have lawyers, who defend the defender in the court of law. The mission of those lawyers is to bring to the courtroom things what prosecutors have forgotten or for some other reasons want to tell to judge. The thing is that sometimes those "forgotten details" are really important. One thing is connected to the hospitals or prisons, where is too few personnel on work.

Of course, that thing warns the security, that thing is a little bit unusual, because the number of staff will be seen in papers, and if the inspectors would not make reclamation about this kind of things, everything should be fine. But the thing us interesting, if their loss of the crew is seen only when the inspector would come to the place.

The thing is, that there should be enough personnel, but if someone is missing, and the system doesn't make a report, that means that someone of the personnel is in the wrong location, and if everyone is stamped them inside, the question is, where is missing crew? Has this happened sometimes before? And was the reports made in that case?

Here I'm writing about the cases too small crew causes death f prisoner or patient. In the Epstein's case the prison, where that prisoner is held, had a few crews. And at the next, we must ask, how many times the regular prisoner has faced the attack or got injuries and even died because of a too-small crew of prison. When we are thinking about Epstein's case, that man was a very well-known member of society and had many friends, who were in a high ranking place in business and government.

So when we are thinking about cases, where the prisoner hang himself in the cell, we must ask, why cells are made by using surfaces, where the prisoner can't tie ropes or clothes? The thing is that the slave trade and other things are disgusting crimes, but the thing is that Epstein would die in prison. 

In Epstein's case, the thing might be that this person must have also rich pedophile friends, and this is the thing, why this man should live. To tell the names of people, who are involved in this kind of crimes, not because somebody wants to release him.

Sometimes that kind of criminals is attempting to hang themselves in jail because they want to show remorse. They believe that attempting suicide would cause sympathy in the mind of judges or cause the pardon. But the thing is that sometimes the guards or other people don't notice that thing, and that causes death.

And if we would think the reason, why people, who are got even death penalties must be protected, before the execution time comes is that they would give information about people, who have hired their crimes. Or even paid them to do notorious things to other people. But the thing is that, why this thing has been noticed not until now.

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