Sunday, August 11, 2019

The industrial revolution and automatized manufacturing solutions

The industrial revolution and automatized manufacturing solutions

The problem with robots is that they are taking jobs, which are reserved for people, who have no education. The idea of robotics is the same with things like a spinner. The machine makes always job with the same quality, and it doesn't need the salary. This thing tempts the employers to choose robots to the jobs, which have reserved to uneducated people, and this is causing the problems.

If people would have too much free time that thing causes problems in the cities and the great number of unemployment causes things like riots and the rise of criminal activities. But if there are jobs only for highly educated people, that thing causes problems in many ways. The thing is that low education guarantees that the worker can be changed very easily, and there is always swapping person on the streets.

Salary of highly educated people is always better than a person, who has no education, and there would be no change for that kind of things. If the salary of highly educated people would get lower, that thing will touch also the highest level of the directors. And sometimes those people are also getting divorcement papers because they have done bad decisions.

The big salary is protecting their position. When we are thinking persons who are working in the service desks and other kinds of service places, we must realize, that this kind of people are needed the great language skills, and even in the time of Google translator would be needed to make official papers.

When we are thinking about the persons like congress translators, the quality of translation depends on the willing of the worker. Even if people like Engineers are getting a better salary than translators, language skills are very important in that profession. 

But let's go back to changes of structure in the working life. The robots are interesting tools because they don't need a salary, and the only thing, what they need is electricity. So the salary costs of the factory, which is working by using the robotics working force are very low. This means that the only costs are production materials, and actually, the contracts can be made that way, that the customer would deliver the materials to the production unit or factory, as normal people are saying those things.

That means that the profits what company gets are very high, or at least higher than the company, what uses the human workforce. In this case, the profits are flowing in the pockets of the factory owners, and that thing is capitalism in the tightest form. The thing is that the owners of factories get high profits because they own the machines like robots, which makes the job.

The same thing happened in the early years of the industrial revolution in the begin of the 19th century. The people who owned the land areas got very high incoming because the factory paid rent to them. And that is the base of the wealth modern high-class people, like Rockefellers. So the robotics is transferring the source of money one step lower from the owners of the land area. The robots can work with a very small crew and the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) methods mean, that customers can bring own CAD drawings to the factory, and machines make the product.

Of course, those drawings and plans can send by using E-mail, which means that the production is extremely cheap, and the quality of the product is stable. Every each part of the produced merchandises goes through sensors, what are looking for errors, and if the error is found the piece will take off the line. That means that the customer can send the drawings to the factory and material order to another deliverer, what will send the material to the factory, and after a couple of weeks the products can deliver to the customer.

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