Saturday, August 17, 2019

Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

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Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

One of the most interesting particles of our solar system is the asteroid named Haumea. The thing what makes it interesting is that this asteroid has rings, and that's why it could be named as the "Saturn asteroid". But how those rings might form?

The explanation for this strange asteroid would be that the solar wind at the outer solar system is so weak. If the asteroid is a very magnetic particle, that means that it could capture the small dust particles around it as the same way, what bigger planets are making.

The rings are actually in the place, where the Van Allen zones or plasma rings of the planet are. The thing is that the rings of Haumea are forming the same way with the other planetary rings, and one thing what is a mystery in the case of Haumea, is how it has got this magnet field?

Has it travel through the magnet field of some planet of our solar system, being part of some other planet ring system, and the colliding would throw that particle to Kuiper belt. Or could it come from another solar system, and the sun could capture it to the Kuiper belt at the outer solar system.

The thing is that if Haumea would be closer to the sun, the solar wind would blow those rings away immediately. And this thing is why the inner planets have not visible rings. The solar wind would blow those particles away immediately, and the thing what makes Haumea interesting is that the magnet field of that asteroid must be very strong if we would compare it to other asteroids. 

And the thing how small asteroid would get the magnet field would happen that it would travel through the powerful magnetic field, what will turn the bite of iron to a magnet and the reason why the magnet field would not get weaker is that the electricity what causes this phenomenon can conduct anywhere. If we would someday send the probe to search asteroids like Haumea, we must realize that if we would touch that particle, we would conduct the electricity away from that particle.

If Haymea would be in the superconducting condition, we would send probe near it and then follow the actions like the oscillation of the magnet field of Haymea, and that would help us to find, where that asteroid has got this strange magnet field. Has it just being a member of the asteroid cloud of the rings of Neptune and Uranus, or does it come from another solar system?

The idea is that the oscillation of the magnet field of the particle, what has given that field to Haymea has been stored in certain form, what is similar to the oscillation of the magnet field, what has magnetized Haymea, and that thing benefit by comparing those oscillations to the magnet field of the planets of our solar system. And maybe that would tell, where that strange particle is coming from.

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